‘Majaz’ is a biopic feature film that captures the essence of the life and poetry of the Urdu poet Asrar Ul Haq Majaz. Majaz is known as a ‘romantic revolutionary’ in the world of Urdu.
The film ‘MAJAZ’ was shot in 2022 and completed in 2023.
‘MAJAZ’ portrays the syncretic nature of Majaz’s poetry, his progressive thoughts on the independence and inclusivity of women and his ideas on capitalist culture. The film was made with no established actors. Instead, all the roles have been portrayed by an eclectic and extremely dedicated team of spirited actors, both young and old, as well as artists who had worked in theatre but couldn’t get a chance in films. This diverse crew from all walks of life were trained through acting workshops and motivated to take part in the project.
The film was shot in Delhi, Lucknow, Aligarh, and Jalali.
The lilting music and the poetry of Majaz form the backbone of the film. All in all, it’s a make-up free film which highlights the charm and simplicity of poets who were the harbingers of change and were able to elevate and positively influence the mindsets of people as well as the social and political ambience around them.
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