उर्दू शब्दकोष
उर्दू शब्द के अर्थ जानने के लिए सर्च बॉक्स में टाइप कीजिए
"dil" का अर्थ
रेख़्ता शब्दकोश
प्लैट्स शब्दकोश
P and desist (from an enterprise); to be inattentive (to), to neglect, &c., see jī ćhipānā:—dil-ćasp, adj. Beloved, pleasant, delightful, interesting, alluring, engaging, charming:—dil-ćaspī,. s.f. Delightfulness, &c.:—dil-ćalā, adj. (f. -ī), Persevering; brave; resolute; enterprising; generous:—dil ćalānā (-meṅ), To stimulate the heart (in); to be brave (in):—dil ćalnā (-par), The heart to be set (on), to desire:—dil-ćalī, s.f. Bravery, courage; resolution; generosity:—dil-ćor, adj. Heart-ravishing, captivating;—inattentive, negligent;—timid:—dil ḥāẓir honā, v.n. To have presence of mind:—dil-ḵẖarāsh, adj. Heart-rending, horrible, excruciating, vexatious; grieved to the heart:—dil-ḵẖarāshī, s.f. Wounding of the heart, torment:—dil-ḵẖasta, adj. Heart-broken, afflicted; love-sick:—dil-ḵẖẉāh, adj. & s.m. Beloved; desirable; desiring; in love;—what one likes or longs for, heart's desire, a beloved object; desire, affection:—dil-ḵẖẉush, adj. Contented, cheerful, glad, pleased:—dil ḵẖẉush karnā (-kā), To gladden or cheer the heart (of), to please, amuse, divert:—dil-ḵẖẉushī, s.f. Contentment, cheerfulness:—dil-dāda, adj. Who has given his heart:—dil-dār, adj. & s.m.f. Possessing or winning the heart, delighting the heart, charming;—having heart, encouraged;—a lover, mistress, sweetheart (syn. dil-bar):—dil-dārī, s.f. Demonstrations of love, kindness, blandishment; consolation; encouragement:—dil-doz, adj. Heart-piercing:—dil-dih, adj. Hearty, earnest, zealous:—dil-dihī, s.f. Giving the heart (to a thing or work), heartiness, earnestness, alacrity;—consolation; encouragement:—dil dekhnā (-kā), To look into the heart (of); to study the temper (of), ascertain the inclinations or wishes (of):—dil denā (-ko), To give the mind (to), to apply oneself diligently (to); to lose the heart (to), to be in love:—dil-rubā, adj. & s.m.f. Heart-ravishing, bewitching, alluring;—a charmer, sweetheart:—dil-rubāʼī, s.f. Heart-stealing, ravishment, allurement:—dil rakhnā (-kā), To possess the heart or affection (of); to show consideration for the feelings or wishes (of), to please, gratify, oblige; to comfort, console;—to encourage; to conciliate:—dil-resh, adj. Wounded to the heart, afflicted; in love:—dil-reshī, s.f. Wound of the heart; affliction:—dil-zada, adj. Wounded or stricken to the heart:—dil-sāz, adj. Pleasing the heart, delightful:—dil-sāzī, s.f. Pleasing the heart, delighting; ardour:—dil-sitān, adj. Heart-stealing, ravishing, beautiful:—dil-sard, adj. Cold-hearted, cold, indifferent, averse:—dil saṅbhālnā (apnā), To take heart or courage, to nerve (oneself to an effort):—dil-soḵẖta, adj. 'Heart-burnt'; afflicted; grieved:—dil-soz, adj. & s.m.f. Heart-burning, heart-inflaming; beloved; moving, affecting, touching, pathetic; sympathetic; compassionate, benevolent; passionate, ardent, fervent;—a friend; a sweetheart;—dil-soz ḵẖāna-tarāsh, s.m. An enemy under the semblance of a friend:—dil-sozī, s.f. Heart-burning, warmth of feeling; ardour, fervour; affection; sympathy, compassion:—dil-shuda, adj. Whose heart is lost, enamoured, in love; bereft of reason, deprived of the senses:—dil-shikasta, adj. Broken-hearted, comfortless; sorely afflicted:—dil-faroz, adj. Heart-enlightening; heart-cheering, delightful, pleasant, recreating, refreshing:—dil-fareb, adj. Heart-alluring, enticing, bewitching, enchanting, fascinating, charming, beautiful, lovely:—dil-figār, adj. Heart-broken, mournful, dejected, sad, melancholy, pensive;—an epithet of a sweetheart:—dil-kā bādshāh, Monarch of one's (own) heart:—dil-kā phapholā phoṛnā, see dil-ke phaphole toṛnā:—dil-kār, adj. Affecting the heart:—dil kaṛā karnā, or dil-kaṛwā karnā, 'To harden the heart,' to summon up courage or resolution (for):—dil-kash, adj. Heart-attracting, alluring, attractive, winning, engaging, pleasant; beloved, approved, chosen:—dil-kushā, adj. Heart-expanding, blissful, delightful, charming, exhilarating:—dil-kushāʼī, s.f. Delightfulness, &c.:—dil-kashī, s.f. Attractiveness, winningness, female attraction, loveliness:—dil-ko lagnā (-ke), To touch the heart, to affect; to approve itself (to):—dil-khaṭṭā karnā (-kā), To turn the heart (of anyone) against (one), to displease, offend:—dil-ke phaphole phoṛnā, or toṛnā (apne, or kisī-ke), To relieve the mind (of pain; or of a feeling of ill-will, or revenge, &c.); to take revenge, pay off old scores; to minister consolation (to);—to rip up old sores, to renew a half-forgotten grief:—dil-ke phaphole ṭūṭnā, v.n. The mind to be relieved, &c.:—dil-gudāz, adj. Heart-dissolving, heart-melting, pitiful:—dil-gurda, s.m. Courage:—dil-garm, adj. Warm-hearted, animated, ardent, fervent; full of desire, brave:—dil-garmī, s.f. Warm-heartedness, warmth of heart; friendship; ardour, alacrity:—dil-gīr, adj. Seizing or captivating the heart; terrifying, filling with horror or anguish; heart-stricken, oppressed in mind, afflicted, concerned, grieved (at or with, -se), low-spirited, melancholy, sad:—dil-gīrī, s.f. Affliction, sorrow, concern, sadness, melancholy, &c.:—dil-lagānā, To set the heart or mind (on, -meṅ), give or apply the mind (to); to intend; to give the heart (to), fall in love (with, -se):—dil-lagan, adj. Mindful, attentive, busy:—dil lagnā, v.n. The heart to be given or applied (to, -meṅ), to be attentive (to); to be attached (to, -par, or -kī t̤araf), to be enamoured (of), be in love (with):—dil-lagī, s.f. Application of mind, attention, diligence; inclination; attachment, friendship; diversion, merriment, joking, fun, jest:—dil lenā (-kā), To captivate or win the heart (of, to discover or ascertain the wishes or feelings (of):—dil-māne, adv. As the heart might wish, to the heart's desire:—dil-murg̠, s.m. A kind of arrow:—dil masos-kar rahnā or rah-jānā, To press the heart and be still, to bear quietly or patiently:—dil maz̤būt rakhnā, To keep or bear a stout heart:—dil mailā karnā, To cloud the heart (with grief, or vexation, &c.), to take to heart, to be grieved or displeased:—dil-meṅ jagah denā (-ko), To place in the heart, to cherish, love:—dil-meṅ dil ḍālnā (-ke), To put one's own heart or mind into (another), to cause one to think or feel as oneself does; to exercise influence (over); to possess the heart (of):—dil-meṅ ḍālnā (-ke), To put into the heart (of), to inspire:—dil-meṅ rakhnā (-ko), To keep hidden in the mind, keep to oneself; to bear in mind, to remember:—dil-meṅ farq honā (-ke), To feel distrustful (of), to distrust, suspect:—dil-meṅ khub-jānā (-ke), To obtain a place in the heart (of), to possess the heart (of):—dil-meṅ kahnā, To say to oneself:—dil-meṅ ghar karnā (-ke), 'To take up (one's, or its) abode in the heart (of), to win the heart or affections (of), to contract intimate friendship (with):—dil-meṅ lānā = dil-nishīn karnā:—dil-nishīn, adj. Heart-residing, impressed on, or implanted in, the mind; forming a subject of constant thought; grateful to the mind, agreeable, pleasing:—dil-nishīn karnā (-ke), To implant in the mind (of), to fix or impress on the mind (of):—dil-navāz, adj. & s.m.f. Soothing the mind, soothing; gracious, conciliating; beloved;—a mistress, sweetheart:—dil-nawāzī, s.f. Blandishment:—dil-nihād, s.m. Anything on which the heart is fixed, an object of affection, a sweetheart; attention:—dil-wālā, adj. (f. -ī), Spirited, courageous, bold; large-hearted, generous, liberal:—dil-o-jān, s.m. Heart and soul; tooth and nail;—dil-o-jān-se, adv. With heart and soul, heartily, cheerfully:—dil-o-dimāg, s.m. 'Heart and brain'; loftiness of soul; ambition; pride; stateliness:—diloṅ-dil, adv. To the very heart, to the heart's core:—dil hāth-se denā, To lose heart, to be faint-hearted; to lose command over oneself:—dil haṭ-jānā (-se, or -kī t̤araf-se), The heart to turn (against), to be averse (to):—dil honā (-par), The heart to be set (on); to be tender (towards):—dil-hī dil-meṅ, adv. In the inmost heart; to oneself, silently:—dil-ī-dil, s.m. A secret;—adv. Kept secret; secretly, to oneself (=dil-hī dil-meṅ):—ek dil hokar, adv. With one mind, with one consent, unanimously:—baṛā dil-karnā, To show largeness of heart, to practise liberality, be very liberal: be-dil, adj. Heartless; dispirited, discouraged; unwilling, averse;—s.m. One who has lost his heart, a lover:—be-dilī, s.f. Spiritlessness; discouragement; unwillingness, aversion.