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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere

رد کریں ڈاؤن لوڈ شعر


لفظوں کے معنی دیکھنے کے لیے سرچ باکس میں ٹائپ کیجیے

"qaraar" کے معنی

ریختہ لغت



agreement/ peace/ tranquility



qidar-doing exactly as another does



A field (esp. one under water, or under cultivation) a meadow, a mountain

the modern Kedār, a place of (Hindū) pilgrimage in the Himālaya mountains-kedar-nath'Lord of Kedār,' an epithet of Shiva



pen name

پلیٹس لغت

کرار करार karār

H کرار करार karār, s.m. corr. of qarār, q.v.

کرار करार karār

H کرار करार karār, s.m. & adj.=karāl, q.v.

قرار qarār inf. n. of قرّ 'to dwell, to abide'; 'to rest,' c.

A قرار qarār (inf. n. of قرّ 'to dwell, to abide'; 'to rest,' &c.), s.m. Dwelling, residence; fixing (one's) abode (in), settling; resting; fixedness, fixity; permanence; consistency; stability, firmness, constancy; tenacity (of purpose);—rest, repose, quietness, quiet, peace, tranquillity; quietude, patient waiting, patience;—settlement, determination, confirmation; conclusion; ratification; agreement, engagement;—reality, certainty, truth:—qarār ānā (-ko), 'Rest, &c. to come' (to), to get or find rest, &c., to be at rest, or ease, &c.; to be or become still or quiet:—qarār pānā, v.n. To be or become fixed or settled, or at rest; to be agreed upon; to be determined, or decided; to be established, to be laid down, or ruled, or provided; to obtain; to be based (on); to arise:—qarār-dād (prob. contrac. fr. qarār-dāda, 'settled, established,' &c.), s.m. Settlement, establishment; confirmation; conclusion; ratification; agreement, engagement, contract; bargain; the specification, or formal charge (of a crime, &c.);—qarār-dād karnā, v.t. To settle, confirm, conclude, &c.:—qarār denā (-ko), To fix, establish, settle; to determine, decide; to lay down; to adjudge; to receive, admit (as correct, e.g. ṣaḥīḥ qarār denā):—qarār karnā, v.t. To settle, establish, confirm, ratify, conclude (a bargain, treaty, &c.);—v.n. To establish oneself (on); to take (one's) stand (on);—to agree, promise (=iqrār karnā):—qarār-nāma, s.m. A written engagement, &c. (=iqrār-nāma, q.v.):—qarār-wāqěʻī, adv. Definitively; positively;—effectually, efficaciously; truly, accurately rightly, in a proper manner.

قدر qadr, vulg. qadar inf. n. of قدر 'to make great; to measure, determine.' c.

A قدر qadr, vulg. qadar (inf. n. of قدر 'to make great; to measure, determine.' &c.), s.f. Greatness, dignity, honour, rank, power; importance, consequence; worth, merit; estimation, appreciation, account; value, price;—measure; degree; quantity; magnitude; bulk, size; portion, part;—whatever is fixed or ordained of God, divine providence, fate, destiny:—qadr-baḵẖsh, adj. & s.m. Conferring dignity or honour;—source of dignity, fountain of honour:—qadr-dān, or qadr-shinās, adj. & s.m. Knowing the worth or value (of), appreciating;—one who knows the worth (of), a just appreciator, a judge; a patron:—qadr-dānī, s.f. Due regard to the worth (of), just appreciation of merit; power or faculty of appreciation; patronage, favour;—qadr-dānī karnā, or qadr karnā (-), To appreciate duly, to esteem, prize, value:—is qadr, adj. & adv. So much; to such a degree; so:—ba-qadr, adv. Ad valorem; valued at; at the rate (of, -i, or -ke); to the extent (of); to the degree (of); to the amount (of); in proportion (to); according (to), as; corresponding (with):—be-qadr, adj. Worthless, of no importance or account;—dishonoured, disgraced;—wanting in appreciation, insensible to merit:—be-qadrī, s.f. Indignity, dishonour, disgrace; low estimation; want of appreciation, non-recognition of merit:—kis qadr, adj. & adv. How much? to what extent or degree?—kisī qadr, Somewhat; a little (=qadre).

کروڙ करोड़ karoṛ, dialec. क्रोड़ kroṛ, vulg. किरोड़ kiroṛ

H کروڙ करोड़ karoṛ, (dialec.) क्रोड़ kroṛ, (vulg.) किरोड़ kiroṛ [Prk. क्रोडि; S. कोटिः; prob. through a corr. form. of क्रोटिः], adj. & coll. s.m. Ten millions, a crore, one hundred lacs (lākh):—karoṛ-pati or patī, s.m. Possessor of a crore of rupees, a millionaire:—karoṛ-khukh, s.m. A great liar.


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