عورت ʻaurat for A. عورة, v.n. fr. عور 'to be blind,' c.
P عورت ʻaurat (for A. عورة, v.n. fr. عور 'to be blind,' &c.), s.f. (orig.) The private part or parts (so called because it is abominable to uncover or expose them);—(in Urdū) a woman; a wife:—ʻaurat-kī ẕāt, Woman-kind, the female sex.
اعادت ěʻādat
P اعادت ěʻādat, s.f. = P اعاده ěʻāda, s.m. [for A. اعادة, inf. n. iv of عود 'to return' (to)], Performing (a thing) a second time, repetition, revision; returning; reversion; visiting the sick.
ادات adāt
A ادات adāt, s.f. Instrument, tool, implement; utensil; apparatus;—(in Gram.) a particle.
عورات ʻaurāt
A عورات ʻaurāt, s.f. pl. (of ʻaurat), Private parts, pudenda; women (the com. signification in Urdū).
عادت ʻādat for A. عادة, v.n. fr. عود 'to return' to
P عادت ʻādat (for A. عادة, v.n. fr. عود 'to return' (to)), s.f. Custom, habit, manner, wont, usage, practice:—ʻādat paṛnā (-ko), To become a habit (with); to be habituated (to);—ʻādat karnā, v.t. To make a habit of, to adopt a habit; to introduce a custom; to accustom.