ارز arz
P ارز arz [Zend arej, S. अर्ज, rt. अर्ह], s.m. Price, value; quantity; esteem, veneration, honour:—arz-i-bāzār, Market price; price current:—arz-i-irsāl, s.m. Invoice; particulars of the despatch of treasure, &c.
ارض arẓ
A ارض arẓ, s.f. The earth; land, region, country; a portion of land.
عرض ʻarẓ inf. n. of عرض 'to show the breadth,' 'to show, exhibit, present,' c.
A عرض ʻarẓ (inf. n. of عرض 'to show the breadth,' 'to show, exhibit, present,' &c.), s.f. Presenting or representing; representation, petition, request, address;—(v.n. fr. عرض 'to be broad'), s.m. Breadth, width; (in Geog.) latitude;—a military muster, a review:—ʻarẓ-ě-irsāl, s.f. A report, return, invoice:—ʻarẓuʼl-balad, s.m. Lines of latitude:—ʻarẓ-begī, s.m. (In Eastern govts.) An officer who presents and reads letters and representations (to a king or great personage), an usher:—ʻarẓ-ě-ḥāl, s.m. Statement, or representation, of a case, memorial, petition:—ʻarẓ-dār, adj. Having breadth, broad, wide:—ʻarẓ-dāsht, s.f. A written petition; a memorial; an address:—ʻarẓ karnā (-kī, or -ko), To make representation (of), to represent, to submit, to state humbly; to report; to memorialize; to make application (for), to apply (for), to request, beg:—ʻarẓ-kunanda, s.m. Petitioner, &c.:—ʻarẓ-māʻrūz, s.f. The purport or matter of a petition, &c.; petition, request, case:—ʻarẓ-o-t̤ūl, s.m. Breadth and length.
ارج arj
P ارج arj [Zend arej; S. arh], s.f. Worth, value; respect, honour, dignity:—arj-mand [Z. mañṭ; S. mant]. Possessing worth or dignity; noble, illustrious, excellent; worthy, honourable; wise, learned; beloved, dear, precious; unequalled; rare; blessed, happy.
عرض ʻaraẓ inf. n. of عرض 'to occur' to, 'to befall'
A عرض ʻaraẓ (inf. n. of عرض 'to occur' (to), 'to befall'), s.f. A thing that happens to or befalls (one), an accident, disease, sickness, a bane, a cause of mischief;—a contingent or accidental quality;—a muster of troops (=ʻarẓ).