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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere

रद करें डाउनलोड शेर

उर्दू शब्दकोष

उर्दू शब्द के अर्थ जानने के लिए सर्च बॉक्स में टाइप कीजिए

"bun" का अर्थ

रेख़्ता शब्दकोश



knit, weave



forest/ jungle/ become





बे-ऊनبے اون

without wool

प्लैट्स शब्दकोश

بن bun prop. bunn

A بن bun (prop. bunn), s.m. Coffee, before it is roasted and ground (when ground it is called qahwa).

بن bun

P بن bun [Pehl. bun; Zend buna; S. बुध्न], s.f. Ground, foundation, basis, root, stem (cf. bunyād); bottom, end, tip.

بين बैंन bain

H بين बैंन bain, adj. Left=bāṅyāṅ, q.v., baiṅ-hatthā, adj. Left-handed.

بن बन ban

H بن बन ban [S. वन], s.m. (f. ?), Forest, jungle, wood, grove, copse, brake; cotton-field; cotton crop:—ban-bās (S. vana+vāsa), bano-bās, s.m. Living in a wood, residence in a forest; wild or unsettled manner of life;—banishment, exile;—one who lives in a wood, &c. (=next):—ban-bāsī, adj. & s.m. Dwelling in a forest or wood; dweller in woods, inhabitant of a forest, forester; hermit, anchorite;—s.f. Life of a hermit:—ban-bilāʼo, s.m. ban-billī, s.f. (S. vana+viḍāla), A kind of wild cat, Felis caracal:—ban-bihār (S. vana+vihāra), s.m. Wandering or sporting in the woods or forests:—ban-bhāṅṭā (S. vana+bhaṇṭākī), s.m. The wild egg-plant, Solanum melongena:—ban-prasth, adj. & s.m. Retiring into a forest, leading the life of an anchorite;—hermit, anchorite:—ban-paśu, s.m.f. Forest animal, wild animal, wild beast:—ban-phal, s.m. Forest fruit, wild fruit:—ban-turaʼī, ban-turoʼi, s.f. A wild species of the Luffa (or Cucumis) acutangula:—ban-tariyā, s.m. Name of a class of people who formerly acted as wood-rangers in Gorakhpur:—ban-tītar, s.m. The sand-grouse (=barr-tītar, q.v.):—ban-jātrā (S. vana+yātrā), s.f. Pilgrimage through the eighty-four forests of the Braj country:—ban-jātrī, s.m. A pilgrim who makes the above pilgrimage:—ban jhāṛnā, v.n. To beat the forests or woods:—ban-ćar, adj. & s.m. Moving or living in a forest or wood, sylvan, wild, savage;—any creature, or wild animal, that inhabits the jungle; monkey; forester woodman; wild man, savage:—ban-ćarī, s.f. A kind of high jungle grass of which elephants are very fond:—ban-devtā, s.m. Forest-god or divinity:—ban-saṭī, s.f. Wood of the cotton tree (used for fuel, and in the sides of grain-carts):—ban-salāmī, s.f. Fee exacted by the landlord from the cultivator for permission to collect the juice of the forest date-trees:—ban-kaṭī, ban-kaṭṭī, s.f. Fee paid for cutting timber in a forest; the right obtained by clearing a jungle and bringing it under cultivation; cleared land:—ban-kanḍā, s.m. Dried cow-dung found in forests (and used as fuel):—ban-kar, s.m. Produce of jungle or forest lands (e.g. gum, honey, &c.); revenue from woods and forests:—ban-kas, s.m. Grass used in making ropes:—ban-kharā, s.m. Land on which cotton has grown during the past season:—ban-khaṇḍ, s.m. Wood, forest:—ban-khanḍī, s.m. Name of a forest in India:—ban-gauṅṭhā, ban-goṅṭhā (S. vana+go+vishṭhā), s.m.=ban-kanḍā, q.v.:—ban-māćhī (S. vana+makshikā), s.m. Gad-fly; the jungle bee, wild-honey bee:—ban mārnā, v.n.=ban-jhāṛnā, q.v.:—ban-māl, ban-mālā, s.f. A garland of wild flowers (usually of the tulsī, the kundā, the mandār, the pārijāt, and the saro-ruhā or lotus), reaching down to the feet; the chaplet worn by Kr̤ishṇa:—ban-mālī, adj. & s.m. Having or wearing a ban-māl; one who wears a ban-māl; an epithet of Kr̤ishṇa:—ban-mānus (S. vana+mānusha), s.m. Wild man of the woods; the ourang-outang; the Lemur tardigradus:—ban majhāṛnā, v.n. To traverse the forest, &c.=ban-jhāṛnā, q.v.:—ban-vās, s.m.=ban-bās, q.v.:—banotsarg (S. vana+utsarga), s.m. Name of a ceremony (much resembling a marriage ceremony) performed in honour of a newly-planted orchard, and without which it is not proper to partake of its fruit:—ban-yuwati, s.f. A female residing in a forest or jungle.

بن bin from ابن ibn

A بن bin (from ابن ibn, rt. بني 'to build,' s.m. Son.


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