درجي दरजी darjī
H درجي दरजी darjī, s.m. corr. of darzī, q.v.
درزي darzī
P درزي darzī [darz, q.v.+ī = Zend aêna = S. इन्], s.m. A tailor.
درازي darāzī
P درازي darāzī, s.f. Length; extension.
درجه daraja, vulg. darja for A. درجة darajat, fem., v.n. fr. درج 'to go step by step'
P درجه daraja, vulg. darja (for A. درجة darajat, fem., v.n. fr. درج 'to go step by step'), s.m. A stair, step, stage, story, degree (in progress, &c.), grade, order, degree, station, rank, dignity; position, situation, plight; a degree (of a circle); an act (of a play):—darja ba-darja, adj. Step by step, by degrees, gradually; each in his degree; each in its proper place, in order:—darje-g̠āyat, adv. At most, at furthest:—darja ghaṭānā (-kā), To degrade:—darja-wār, adj. & adv. According to the rank or degree (of):—ba-darja, adv. By many degrees, far, ever so much.
ديروزه dī-roza
P ديروزه dī-roza, adj. Of yesterday.