فيض faiẓ inf. n. of فيض 'to overflow; to abound, c.
A فيض faiẓ (inf. n. of فيض 'to overflow; to abound, &c.), s.m. Overflowing, abundance, plenty;—beneficence munificence, liberality, bounty, bountiful kindness favour, grace; charity; good, benefit, profit:—faiẓ baḵẖsh, adj. Bestowing favours or bounties, bountiful, beneficent, &c.; fertilizing (rain, &c.):—faiẓ pahuṅćānā (-ko), To cause bounties or favours to reach, to bestow favours (on); to give alms (to):—faiẓ-rasān, adj. Causing abundance, &c. to reach; bountiful, &c. (=faiẓ-baḵẖsh, q.v.):—faiẓ-rasānī, s.f. Bountifulness, bounty, beneficence, munificence:—faiẓ-ě-ʻām, s.m. General abundance; the public good or benefit;—adj. Diffusing or producing general abundance; liberal, profuse:—faiẓ-madār, s.m. Centre or source of abundance, or of grace, &c.:—faiẓ-yāb, adj. Favoured, benefited, blessed.
فائز fāʼiz act. part. of فوز 'to attain,' c.
A فائز fāʼiz (act. part. of فوز 'to attain,' &c.), part. adj. Attaining, acquiring, obtaining; overtaking; reaching.
فضيح faẓīḥ v.n. fr. فضح; see faẓīḥat
A فضيح faẓīḥ (v.n. fr. فضح; see faẓīḥat), adj. Disgraceful, ignominious, infamous.
فوج fauj
A فوج fauj, s.f. A crowd (of men, &c.), a multitude, a host, an army:—fauj-ě-baḥrī, s.f. A fleet, navy (opp. to fauj-ě-barrī, 'land forces'):—fauj bhartī karnā, To enlist recruits, to fill up an army:—fauj-dār, s.m. A (criminal) judge or magistrate (under the Muhammadan government); a superintendent of the military force in a district; an officer of the police so called:—fauj-dārī, adj. Of or relating to a fauj-dār;—of or relating to crime, (a court) for criminal cases;—s.f. The office or jurisdiction of a fauj-dār or magistrate;—the criminal court;—a criminal case; fighting, assault, breach of the peace, &c.:—fauj-dārī 'adālat, or ʻadālat-ě-fauj-dārī, s.f. The (subordinate) criminal court (formerly the niz̤āmat ʻadālat);—fauj-dārī sipurd karnā (-ko), To send (a case) to the criminal court:—fauj-dārī karnā, To commit a criminal offence; to commit an assault, or a breach of the peace, &c.:—fauj-ě-sih-bandī, s.f. The troops of a fauj-dār; provincial troops or militia (employed in garrisoning forts, and escorting treasure, and in revenue and police duties):—fauj-kashī, s.f. The collecting or levying of an army; the marching or advancing (against, -par);—incursion, inroad.
فوز fauz inf. n. of فوز 'to attain, or to win, good fortune,' c.
A فوز fauz (inf. n. of فوز 'to attain, or to win, good fortune,' &c.), s.m.(?) Fruition, success; gain; victory; salvation; escape, safety.