فقر faqr inf. n. of فقر 'to break the vertebræ of the back
A فقر faqr (inf. n. of فقر 'to break (the vertebræ of the back)), s.m. Poverty, want, need; the practice or vocation of a faqīr or derwish; a life of poverty with resignation and content; asceticism, ascetic mortification:—faqr-o-fāqa, s.m. Poverty and hunger.
فکر fikr v.n. fr. فکر 'to think upon, to consider,' c.
A فکر fikr (v.n. fr. فکر 'to think (upon), to consider,' &c.), s.f. & m. Thought, consideration, reflection; deliberation, opinion, notion, idea, imagination, conceit; counsel, advice; care, concern, solicitude, anxiety, grief, sorrow:—fikr karnā (-kī, or -kā), To think (upon), to consider, reflect (upon), ponder; to turn the attention (to); to take thought (of); to make provision (for); to think how to obtain, or to possess oneself (of); to think how to dispose (of); to plan, scheme, contrive; to form designs (against); to be thoughtful or anxious (about), be concerned; to concern oneself (about), to care; to grieve (for), to feel regret, to pine:—fikr-mand, adj. Thoughtful; anxious; pensive, sorrowful:—fikr-mandī, s.f. Thoughtfulness; anxiety; sorrow:—fikr-meṅ rahnā (-kī), To be constantly thinking (of); to harbour designs (against); to be anxious to injure:—be-fikr, adj. & s.m. Without thought, thoughtless; without forethought; without concern or anxiety, unconcerned; free from care;—a thoughtless or heedless person;—be-fikrī, s.f. Thoughtlessness; regardlessness, unconcern; freedom from care.
فقير faqīr v.n. fr. فقر; see faqr
A فقير faqīr (v.n. fr. فقر; see faqr), adj. & s.m. Poor, needy, indigent, destitute;—a poor man; a beggar; a religious mendicant; a derwish; an ascetic, a devotee:—faqīr-dost, adj. Friendly to the poor, or to derwishes:—faqīr karnā, v.t. To impoverish, to reduce to beggary:—faqīr honā or ho-jānā, v.n. To become poor, be reduced to indigence;—to become a religious mendicant, or a devotee.