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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere

रद करें डाउनलोड शेर

उर्दू शब्दकोष

उर्दू शब्द के अर्थ जानने के लिए सर्च बॉक्स में टाइप कीजिए

"kham" का अर्थ

रेख़्ता शब्दकोश



pillar/ structure



bend/ bow

curl, ringlet



raw, unripe, green, crude


फा. वि.कच्चा, अपरिपक्व, असंस्कृत, नातजिबःकार, अनुभवहीन, खालिस, निष्केवल, कच्ची शराब ।।



a large jar, a pot of wine, Wine Barrel

शराब रखने का बड़ा मटका

प्लैट्स शब्दकोश

کهم खम kham

H کهم खम kham, s.m. contrac. of khambh, q.v.

کهم खम kham

H کهم खम kham, s.m. corr. of خم 'upper arm,' q.v. (for phrases).

خم ḵẖam

P خم ḵẖam [rt. Zend qap = S. स्वप्], adj. & s.m. Curved, twisted, bent, crooked, bowed; curled; coiled;—a bend, curve, crook; a curl, knot, ringlet; a coil, fold, ply; crookedness, curvature; bending, flexure;—the part of a noose which encircles the neck; a noose;—the upper arm:—ḵẖam-andar-ḵẖam or ḵẖam-dar-ḵẖam, adj. Twist within twist; curly;—s.m. Curling locks;—ḵẖam bajānā, ḵẖam ṭhoṅknā (apne), To strike the hand against the arms (preparatory to wrestling), to challenge (as wrestlers do):—ḵẖam-ćam, s.m. Graceful motion;—coquetry, blandishment (of a mistress);—adj. Elegant, graceful:—ḵẖam-ě-ćaugān, s.m. The curved stick with which hockey-on-horseback is played:—ḵẖam-dār, adj. Curved, twisted, bent, crooked, &c. (=ḵẖam):—ḵẖam mārnā = ḵẖam ṭhoṅknā, q.v.:—ḵẖam-o-ćam = ḵẖam-ćam, q.v.

خم ḵẖum

P خم ḵẖum [Zend ḵẖumba; S. कुम्भ], s.m. A large vessel or jar; an alembic, a still:—ḵẖum-ćaṛhānā, To boil clothes preparatory to washing them:—ḵẖum-ḵẖāna, ḵẖum-kada, s.m. A liquor-shop, a tavern.

خام ḵẖām =S. आम

P خام ḵẖām (=S. आम), adj. Raw, unripe, green, crude, immature; inexpert, inexperienced; vain, puerile, absurd; not solid or substantial, not made of masonry, of unbaked earth or of mud; rough, approximate (as an estimate, &c.); imperfect, unsound, bad; lower, smaller (weight or measure,—opp. to puḵẖta, 'the larger' of two standard weights):—ḵẖām āmdanī, s.f. Gross receipts or collections (of revenue):—ḵẖām-pāra, A term of abuse applied to a woman who has been cohabited with before the age of maturity;—a sharp or cunning woman; a prude:—ḵẖām ćiṭṭhā, s.m. A rough statement or account:—ḵẖām-ḵẖiyālī, s.f. Vain imaginations; crude ideas:—ḵẖām-dast, adj. & s.m. Inexpert, awkward;—a bungler:—ḵẖām-dastī, s.f. Inexpertness, bungling:—ḵẖām-shurwā, s.m. Half-boiled soup:—ḵẖām-shob, adj. Half-washed, rinsed:—ḵẖām t̤abʻ, adj. Foolish, absurd; dull:—ḵẖām-t̤amaʻ, adj. Entertaining vain desires:—ḵẖām-t̤amaʻī, s.f. The entertaining of vain desires; foolish desire:—ḵẖām-ʻaqlī, s.f. Weak understanding; folly:—ḵẖām ʻilāqa, s.m. An estate which is under direct management (and not leased):—ḵẖām-fit̤rat, adj. Weak-minded:—ḵẖām-kārī, s.f. Inexpertness, unskilfulness, awkwardness;—a writing reed, a pen (see ḵẖāma):—ḵẖām-karnā, v.t. See ḵẖāmnā.


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