لوح lauh v.n. fr. لوح 'to rise, appear,' c.
A لوح lauh (v.n. fr. لوح 'to rise, appear,' &c.), s.f. A table; a tablet; a plank, a board (especially on which anything is written);—a title-page:—lauḥ-ě-maḥfūz̤, s.f. The guarded (or indelible) table (on which, according to Moḥammadan belief, the transactions of mankind have been written by God from all eternity):—lauḥ-o-qalam, s.f. The tablet (on which) and the pen (with which the decrees of the Deity are written).
لائح lāʼiḥ act. part. of لوح 'to shine,' c.
A لائح lāʼiḥ (act. part. of لوح 'to shine,' &c.), part. adj. Shining, flashing; bright, splendid;—appearing; apparent, evident, clear.