منزل manzil n. of place fr. نزل 'to alight, to descend,' c.
A منزل manzil (n. of place fr. نزل 'to alight, to descend,' &c.), s.f. A place for alighting, a place for the accommodation of travellers, a caravansary, an inn, a hotel; a house, lodging, dwelling, mansion, habitation, station; a mansion of the moon; story or floor (of a house); deck (of a ship);—a day's journey;—a stage (in travelling, or in the divine life);—place of destination, goal; boundary, end, limit:—manzil-ba-manzil, adv. From stage to stage; by stages;—at every atage:—manzil pahuṅćānā, v.t. To convey (one) to his destination; to convey (one) to his last resting-place, to perform the obsequies of;—to bring (a thing) home to (a person), to prove to:—manzil denā (-ko), To lay down (a corpse) for a while on the way to its resting-place:—manzil kāṭnā, or manzil karnā, To finish a journey; to get over a stage; to go one stage:—manzil mārnā, v.n. To finish a difficult task:—manzil-ě-maqṣūd, s.f. The goal of desire; goal, destination:—manzil-ě-maqṣūd-ko pahuṅćnā, To reach (one's) destination;—to gain (one's) object:—kaṛī manzil, A stiff journey or stage; a long stage or march.
منجل मंजिल manjil
H منجل मंजिल manjil, s.f. corr. of منزل manzil, q.v.
منزل munzil act. part. of انزل 'to cause to alight,' c., iv of نزل 'to alight,' c.
A منزل munzil (act. part. of انزل 'to cause to alight,' &c., iv of نزل 'to alight,' &c.), part. adj. Causing to alight; receiving hospitably;—emittens semen:—munzal (pass. part. of the same verb), part. Caused to alight or descend; sent down (from heaven).