نور nūr v.n. fr. نار for نور 'to shine,' c.
A نور nūr (v.n. fr. نار (for نور) 'to shine,' &c.), s.m. Light; ray of light; brilliance, lustre; refulgence, splendour; illumination:—nūr-afzā, adj. Light-increasing; illuminating:—nūr-afshān, adj. Light-diffusing:—nūr jānā muṅh-kā, 'Brightness or lustre of the face to depart,' paleness to come over the face:—nūr-ě-ćashm, or nūr-ě-dīda, s.m. 'Light of the eyes,' a beloved son:—nūr-ćashmī, s.f. A beloved daughter:—nūr-ě-ʻainain, s.m. 'Light of the two eyes,' a beloved son:—nūr-kī bāteṅ, s.f. Grand or glorious things; something wonderful:—nūr-ke taṛke, or nūr-z̤uhūr-ke taṛke, adv. At break of day:—nūr-maḥallī, or nūr-maḥlī, s.f. A kind of pulāʼo, q.v.
نار nār
A نار nār, s.f. Fire; hell-fire; hell;—the mind;—counsel, advice.
نر nar
P نر nar [Parsī & Pehl. nar; Zend nar, nara; S. नर], s.m. A male;—adj. Male, masculine:—nar-gāʼo, s.m. A bull:—nar-māda, or nar-mādīn, s.m. Male and female; a hinge; a male and female screw; the screw-beams (male and female) of a sugar-mill:—nar-mādagī, s.f. The relation of male and female (as between the right and left hands or feet, or gloves, or shoes, &c.); a male and female screw, &c. (i.q. nar-māda).
نر नर nar
H نر नर nar, s.m. (Old H.)=nagar, q.v. (cf. nayar, ner).
نيڙ नीड़ nīṛ
H نيڙ नीड़ nīṛ, s.m.=نيڐ nīḍ, q.v.