قيد qaid
A قيد qaid, s.f. A shackle, fetter, bonds; bondage; confinement, imprisonment; control; restraint;
restriction; limit; condition; an obstacle; a bond, compact, treaty, bargain; rule, regulation; article (of agreement); an obligation:—qaid bharnā, or qaid bhugatnā, or qaid kāṭnā (-kī), To undergo the full term of imprisonment:—qaid-ḵẖāna, s.m. Place of confinement, prison, gaol:—qaid rakhnā, v.t. To detain in confinement, to keep in custody:—qaid rahnā, v.n. To remain in bonds, or in prison, &c.:—qaid-ě-farang, s.f. A kind of fetter used by the Europeans;—imprisonment from which there is no escape:—qaid karnā, v.t. To shackle, fetter; to bind; to make captive; to imprison, &c.:—qaid lagānā (-meṅ), To apply restrictions, &c. (to); to restrict; to limit; to attach conditions (to), to make conditional (on, -kī); to subject to rule, to regulate:—qaid honā, v.n. To be fettered, or bound; to be imprisoned; to be restricted (-to, -kī); to be limited:—be-qaid, or bilā-qaid, adj. Unrestrained, unchecked, uncontrolled; free; unrestricted; unconditional; unlimited; indefinite;—without due regard (to or for); irregular; lawless;—be-qaid, adv. Without restraint, or opposition, or reservation; unreservedly, openly; at large, at random; irregularly.
کد कद kad
H کد कद kad [S. कदा], adv. When? (=kab, q.v.).
کد kad
P کد kad [contrac. of kada; Pehl. kadak, or katak; Zend kata, rt. kan = S. खन्], s.m. A house, habitation; a retreat; a den; a cavern:—kad-bānū, s.f. Lady of the house; mistress of a family:—kad-ḵẖudā, s.m. Master of the house, &c. (=kat-ḵẖudā, q.v.):—kad-ḵẖudāʼī, s.f. A family establishment, housekeeping; marriage (=kat-ḵẖudāʼī, q.v.):—kad-ḵẖudāʼī karnā, To marry; to keep house.
قد qad for A. qadd, inf. n. of قدّ 'to tear lengthwise,' c.
P قد qad (for A. qadd, inf. n. of قدّ 'to tear lengthwise,' &c.), s.m. Height, stature; figure:—qad-ě-ādam, adj. Of the height of a man; a fathom of:—qad-āwar, adj. Tall of stature:—qad ḵẖam karnā, v.n. To bow down; to be bent in figure, to stoop:—qad-ḵẖamīda, adj. Bent in stature:—qad-dār, adj. Of fine stature:—qad-kashī, s.f. Tallness and erectness of stature:—qad-kashīda, adj. Tall and erect of stature:—qad nikālnā, To develop stature or size, to grow big (a child):—qad-o-qāmat, s.m. Size and stature; height, stature; figure, build; personal appearance:—past-qad, adj. Of small stature.
کيد kaid inf. n. of کيد 'to deceive,' c.
A کيد kaid (inf. n. of کيد 'to deceive,' &c.), s.m. Deceit, fraud; stratagem; treachery; malignity, malice;—war;—adapting, adjusting; addressing; applying (a remedy);—vomiting, casting forth;—the being menstruous (a woman);—loud croak (of a raven).