روشني raushnī, roshnī
P روشني raushnī, roshnī [Zend raokhshni; see roshan], s.f. Light, brightness, splendour; illumination; brightness or clearness (of vision), sight (of the eye); a lamp kept burning at a Moḥammadan tomb or shrine:—raushnī karnā (-kī), To light (a lamp), to make an illumination, to illuminate.
دشنه dashna
P دشنه dashna [prob. fr. Zend rt. daś = S. daṅś; cf. S. दशन], s.m. A dagger, poniard.
دوشينه doshīna
P دوشينه doshīna = P دوشين doshīn [Zend daosha+aēna = S. दोषा+इन्], adv. Of last night, last night's.
روشنائي roshnāʼī
P روشنائي roshnāʼī, s.f. Light, brightness, splendour;—ink.
روشنا roshanā
P روشنا roshanā, s.f. Light, splendour; the name of one of Alexander's queens (called by the Greeks Roxana).