ساج साज sāj
H ساج साज sāj [Prk. & S. सज्जा], s.m. (but. gen. f. in Hindī), Preparation; harness, accoutrements, fittings (cf. sāz).
ساج sāj =S. शाकः
P A ساج sāj (=S. शाकः), s.m. The teak-tree, Tectona grandis (syn. sāgūn);—the plane-tree.
ساز sāz
P ساز sāz [act. part of sāḵẖtan, rt. Zend śać = S. शक्], part. & s.m. Making, preparing, effecting; feigning;—maker; counterfeiter (used as last member of compounds; e.g. zinda-sāz, 'making alive,' 'resuscitating';—ghaṛī-sāz, 'watch-maker');—s.m. Arms, accoutrements; apparatus; instrument, implement; harness; furniture; ornament; concord, harmony; a musical instrument:—sāz-bāz, adj. Trim, dressy;—s.m. Apparatus, &c.; ornament; concord (=sāz):—sāz-kār, or sāz-gār, adj. Consonant, concordant, in accordance (with); proper, agreeing (with), harmonizing, suiting, befitting:—sāz-kārī, or sāz-gārī, s.f. Concord, harmony, agreement; peace:—sāz karnā, v.t. To prepare, get ready (necessaries, &c. for); to put in order, to arrange; to cause to accord; to tune (an instrument):—sāz-wār, adj. Agreeing, suitable:—sāz-o-sāmān, s.m. Apparatus, instruments, implements; appliances; materials; furniture; necessaries, supplies:—sāz-yarāq, s.m. Warlike instruments;—furniture, baggage.
سجع sajʻ inf. n. of سجع 'to speak, c. in rhymed prose'
A سجع sajʻ (inf. n. of سجع 'to speak, &c. in rhymed prose'), s.m. Rhythmical speech or language, rhymed prose, rhyme, cadence; metre; poesy:—sajʻ-go, s.m. One who speaks rhythmically; a rhymer; an eloquent speaker.
سوز soz
P سوز soz [rt. of soḵẖtan; fr. Zend śuć = S. शुच्], part. adj. Burning; inflaming, exciting (used as last member of comp., e.g. jigar-soz; dil-soz);—s.m. Burning; heat, inflammation; ardour, passion; affection; heart-burning, vexation;—a stanza of a mars̤iya or elegiac poem, a dirge:—soz-ḵẖẉān, s.m. Reciter of an elegy; one who chants a dirge:—soz-ḵẖẉānī, s.f. The reciting of an elegy; chanting a dirge:—soz-gudāz, s.m. Burning and melting;—an impassioned style in poetry:—soz-nāk, adj. Burning; ardent; painful; plaintive.