سو sū
P سو sū, s.f. Side, part, quarter, direction;—prep. Towards, in the direction (of):—sū-bā-sū, adv. Side by side; on every side.
شو shau, vulg. sho contrac. of shauhar, q.v.
P شو shau, vulg. sho (contrac. of shauhar, q.v.), s.m. A husband.
سو सौ sau, dialec. सो so
H سو सौ sau, (dialec.) सो so [Prk. सतं, सअं; S. शतं], adj. One hundred; cent.:—sau-biswe, adj. In all probability; certainly (=bīs-biswe):—sau-par-sau, A hundred per cent.:—sau jān-se, adv. 'With a hundred lives,' with all one's heart, with one's whole soul, intensely, ardently, devotedly:—sau sir-kā, adj. (f. -ī), 'Having a hundred heads' (so that if one, or several, be cut off, others still remain); having great perseverance, or energy, or obstinacy; exceedingly persevering, &c.:—sau-ke sawāʼe, Twenty-five per cent.:—sau-guṇ or sau-guṇā, adj. & s.m. (f. -ī), A hundred-fold.
شو sho or shū
P شو sho or shū [imperat. & rt. of shustan; fr. Zend śud = S. शुध्], part. adj. & s.m. Washing;—washer (used as last member of compounds).
سو sū for sūʼuṉ, v.n. fr. سوأ 'to be evil,' c.
A سو sū (for sūʼuṉ, v.n. fr. سوأ 'to be evil,' &c.), s.m. Evilness, badness, foulness, unseemliness (used, in Urdū, only in comp.):—sū-ě-adabī, s.f. Disrespect:—sūʼ-ě-haẓmī, Badness of digestion, indigestion.