جبان jabān fr. جبن
A جبان jabān (fr. جبن), adj. & s.m. Cowardly, pusillanimous, timid, abject;—a coward.
زبان zabān, or zubān
P زبان zabān, or zubān [Parsī hizvãn; Pehl. huzvān; Zend hizva; S. जिव्हा], s.f. The tongue (syn. jībh); tongue, speech, language, dialect (syn. bolī):—zabān-āwar, adj. Eloquent, fluent, voluble:—zabān-āwarī, s.f. Eloquence, fluency, volubility of tongue:—zabān badalnā = zabān palaṭnā, q.v.:—zabān baṛhānā, To let the tongue wag, to chatter, prattle:—zabān band karnā (-kī), To render speechless, to silence:—zabān band honā, v.n. To be speechless, be unable to speak; to be stricken dumb;—to have lockjaw:—zabān-bandī, s.f. Written testimony, deposition, affidavit (in a court of law):—zabān-bandī karnā, v.t. To take down a deposition:—zabān pānā (-kī), To obtain the assent, or concurrence, or approval (of):—zabān-par ćaṛhnā (-kī), To be on the tongue (of), be talked about, be public; to be on the tip of (one's) tongue, to have or know (a thing) by heart:—zabān-par rakhnā, v.t 'To put on the tongue,' to taste:—zabān-par lānā (-ko), To utter, say, speak of, mention:—zabān pakaṛnā (-kī), lit. 'To lay hold of the tongue' (of); to prevent (one) from speaking; to interrupt; to seize on the utterances (of), to criticise, to cavil (at):—zabān palaṭnā, or zabān phernā, To retract, to eat one's words; to equivocate, to prevaricate, to shuffle:—zabān ṭūṭnā (-kī), The tongue to be exercised in correct articulation; to be able to articulate or pronounce correctly, to speak with correct articulation:—zabān ćalānā (apnī), To talk much, talk at a great rate; to use foul language, to give abuse:—zabān-ćalāʼe-kī roṭī khānā, To live by a glib use of the tongue, or by flattery:—zabān dāb-ke kahnā, To speak with bated breath; to detract in whispers:—zabān dābnā, To hold (one's) tongue:—zabān-dān, adj. & s.m. Skilled in language;—one well-versed in a language; a poet; a scholar; a linguist:—zabān-dānī, s.f. Knowledge of a language, linguistic attainments:—zabān-darāz, adj. 'Long-tongued'; loquacious; speaking much and malevolently; impudent,
saucy; abusive, scurrilous:—zabān-darāzī, s.f. Loquacity; impudence; abuse, scurrility:—zabān-darāzī karnā = zabān ćalānā, q.v.:—zabān dikhānā (-ko), To show the tongue (to a physician):—zabān denā (-ko), To pledge (one's) word (to), to promise:—zabān ḍālnā (-meṅ), To interfere by speech, to inquire, ask, request:—zabān-zad, adj. Talked about, spoken of, reported, public; current, used, in use:—zabān-zad honā (-ke), To be talked about, be currently reported, be often mentioned; to become current (as speech), to be generally used (by), be commonly employed (by), to pass into an idiom:—zabān saṅbhālke bolnā, To be careful as to what one says, to speak carefully or cautiously:—zabān saṅbhālnā (apnī), To control (one's) tongue, to be careful as to how one speaks or what one says; to hold one's tongue:—zabān-se nikālnā, v.t. To give utterance to, to utter, pronounce, speak:—zabān-se nikalnā (-kī), To escape the lips (of); to be uttered, be said:—zabān kāṭnā (-kī), To interrupt the speech (of); to make a clicking noise with the (apnī) tongue expressive of regret at a slip or error; to be sorry for what one has said; to grieve, lament; to speak foolishly or inconsiderately:—zabān-kā mīṭhā, adj. Sweet-tongued, honey-tongued:—zabān karnā, To speak foolishly or inconsiderately:—zabān-ko bas-meṅ rakhnā, or zabān-ko muṅh-meṅ rakhnā, To keep the tongue under control; to hold one's tongue, to be silent:—zabān kholnā (apnī), To give loose to the tongue; to speak out:—zabān-ke ćaṭkāre lenā, To smack the lips (over), to enjoy or relish; to enjoy dainties:—zabān-ke maze lenā, To enjoy dainties:—zabān-ke nīće zabān honā, v.n. To be double-tongued:—zabān nikālnā (apnī) = zabān ćalānā, q.v.:—zabān nikālnā (-kī), To pull out the tongue (of):—zabān hārnā (apnī), To pledge (one's) word, to promise:—zabān hilānā (apnī), To wag the tongue, to speak; to ask, request.
جبين jabīn
A جبين jabīn, s.f. The forehead (=peshānī; māthā):—jabīn-sā (or sāʼe), jabīn-farsā (or -farsāʼe), adj. Rubbing the forehead (on the ground in adoration or supplication).
جوبن जोबन joban, जौबन jauban
H جوبن जोबन joban, जौबन jauban [Prk. जोव्वणं; S. यौवनं], s.m. Youth, youthfulness, the prime of life, bloom of youth; puberty, manhood, adolescence; vigour, bloom, flourishing state; the pleasures of youth; exquisite enjoyment; the pleasures of sense, taste, or culture; (met.) the breast, well-developed breasts; a fine figure; beauty:—joban ubharnā, joban umaknā, joban umaṅdnā, v.n. Puberty to show itself; the breasts (of a woman) to be developed:—joban-paiānā, To attain to puberty; to be in full vigour; to bloom:—joban-jor, s.m. Youthful strength or vigour;—adj. Strong with the strength of youth:—joban-kā mātā, m. (joban-kī mātī, f.) adj. Intoxicated by (the pride of) youth:—joban lūṭnā, v.n. To taste or enjoy the pleasures of youth to the full, to revel in the pleasures of youth:—joban-mat, m. (joban-matī, f.) adj.=joban-vān, q.v.:—joban nikālnā, v.n.=joban lūṭnā, q.v.:—joban-vān, m., joban-vatī, f. adj. Young, youthful, juvenile; attained to or arrived at the age of puberty, fit to be married, marriageable; beautiful, handsome.
زبون zabūn v.n. fr. زبن; a post-classical word, with amplification of meaning in Persian
A زبون zabūn (v.n. fr. زبن; a post-classical word, with amplification of meaning in Persian), adj. Weak, infirm, helpless; vile, evil, ill, bad, wicked, faulty; unfortunate, unlucky; unhealthy (air or climate).