- पुस्तक सूची 183877
पुस्तकें विषयानुसार
औषधि868 आंदोलन290 नॉवेल / उपन्यास4293 -
पुस्तकें विषयानुसार
- बैत-बाज़ी11
- अनुक्रमणिका / सूची5
- अशआर64
- दीवान1432
- दोहा64
- महा-काव्य98
- व्याख्या182
- गीत81
- ग़ज़ल1075
- हाइकु12
- हम्द44
- हास्य-व्यंग36
- संकलन1540
- कह-मुकरनी6
- कुल्लियात670
- माहिया19
- काव्य संग्रह4828
- मर्सिया374
- मसनवी813
- मुसद्दस57
- नात533
- नज़्म1194
- अन्य68
- पहेली16
- क़सीदा178
- क़व्वाली19
- क़ित'अ60
- रुबाई290
- मुख़म्मस17
- रेख़्ती12
- शेष-रचनाएं27
- सलाम33
- सेहरा9
- शहर आशोब, हज्व, ज़टल नामा13
- तारीख-गोई28
- अनुवाद73
- वासोख़्त26
इन्तिज़ार हुसैन के वीडियो
This video is playing from YouTubeवीडियो का सेक्शन
शायरी वीडियो
Intizar Hussain is renowned Pakistan Urdu fiction writer. He is recognised as a living legend in Pakistan. Intizar Hussain was born in India before partition Uttar Pradesh, on 21st December 1925. He emigrated to Pakistan in 1947 and lives in Lahore. Intizar Hussain has been included in finalists of man Booker international prize 2013. on 20 September 2014 Hussain was awarded French Civil award Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Here are some excerpts of his interview with Zamarrud Mughal at Rekhta Studio. इन्तिज़ार हुसैन
Intizar Hussain is renowned Pakistan Urdu fiction writer. He is recognised as a living legend in Pakistan. Intizar Hussain was born in India before partition Uttar Pradesh, on 21st December 1925. He emigrated to Pakistan in 1947 and lives in Lahore. Intizar Hussain has been included in finalists of man Booker international prize 2013. on 20 September 2014 Hussain was awarded French Civil award Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Here are some excerpts of his interview with Zamarrud Mughal at Rekhta Studio. इन्तिज़ार हुसैन
Intizar Hussain is renowned Pakistan Urdu fiction writer. He is recognised as a living legend in Pakistan. Intizar Hussain was born in India before partition Uttar Pradesh, on 21st December 1925. He emigrated to Pakistan in 1947 and lives in Lahore. Intizar Hussain has been included in finalists of man Booker international prize 2013. on 20 September 2014 Hussain was awarded French Civil award Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. Here are some excerpts of his interview with Zamarrud Mughal at Rekhta Studio. इन्तिज़ार हुसैन
शायर अपना कलाम पढ़ते हुए
इन्तिज़ार हुसैन
आख़िरी आदमी इन्तिज़ार हुसैन
शायरी वीडियो
Intizar Hussain Interview at Rekhta Studio_Part-1 इन्तिज़ार हुसैन
Intizar Hussain Interview at Rekhta Studio_Part-2 इन्तिज़ार हुसैन
Intizar Hussain Interview at Rekhta Studio_Part-3 इन्तिज़ार हुसैन
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