دوست dost
P دوست dost [Pehl. dośt; Zend zusta, perf. part. fr. zush;=S. जुष्ट, rt. जुष्], s.m. A friend, one beloved; a lover, a sweetheart:—dost-dār, vulg. dos-dār, s.m. A friend, &c. (=dost);—adj. & adv. Friendly; lovingly:—dost-dārī, vulg. dos-dārī, s.f. Friendliness, friendship; love, affection:—dost rakhnā (-ko), To hold dear, to like:—dost-numā, adj. & s.m. Appearing friendly, in the guise of a friend;—a seeming friend:—dost-navāz, s.m. Cherisher of friends.
دست dast
P دست dast [old P. daśta; Zend zaśta; S. hasta], s.m. Hand (syn. hāth); a cubit;—suit (of armour or clothes); anything complete (as a house with its offices); purging or loose stool, stool, purge, evacuation:—dast-afshān, adj. & s.m. Extending or moving the hands in dancing, or in relinquishing anything, or in anger or excitement, or in denying;—one who moves the hands in dancing, &c.:—dast-āmoz, adj. 'Accustomed to the hand,' tame, familiarized, gentle, tractable;—handy; skilful, dexterous:—dast ānā, v.n. To have diarrhœa or loose bowels:—dast-andāz, adj. & s.m. Intermeddling, interfering;—one who interferes, &c.; one who commences a business;—an encroacher; an oppressor, a plunderer:—dast-andāzī, s.f. Putting the hand (to, -meṅ, anything), meddling (with), interference; encroachment; oppression:—dast-andāzī karnā (-meṅ), To put the hand (to), to meddle, &c.:—dast-āvar, adj. Purgative, effective (as medicine), cathartic:—dast-āvez, s.f. 'That which ties or fastens the hands'; what a man takes with him as a means of promoting his suit; what one gets into his hand and depends on; a signature; a note of hand, bond, deed, title-deed, voucher, certificate, instrument, charter, &c.;—a small present to be given into the hands of a person whose favour is sought;—instance or example at hand:—dast ba-ḵẖair, May good attend the hand (said by one who points out on his own body the seat of another's malady or pain):—dast ba-dast, adj. & adv. Hand in hand; from hand to hand; quick, expeditious;—s.m. (=dast ba-dast muʻāmala), Ready-money purchase or transaction:—dast ba-duʻā honā, To put up the hands in prayer:—dast-burd, s.m. Pre-excellence, superiority, advantage, victory (at play, in war or law); encroachment, usurpation; plunder, rapine; misappropriation, embezzlement:—dast-burd karnā, v.t. To plunder, &c.:—dast-bardār honā (-se), To give up, abandon, relinquish, resign, to wash (one's) hands (of), to leave off, to let go, to desert; to abstain, desist (from), cease; to retire; to decline:—dast-bardāī, s.f. Relinquishment, abandonment, renunciation; withdrawal (from); cessation:—dast bar-sar honā, To be quite helpless, be unable to execute (one's) intention; to be in great grief, be distressed, weak, poor, or wretched:—dast-basta, adv. With close or folded hands (in token of respect):—dast ba-sar honā, To salute (in the Eastern manner) by putting the hand to the head:—dast ba-qabẓa, adj. & adv. 'Hand to the hilt,' sword in hand, ready for battle:—dast-buqća, s.m. Cloth in which a small bundle is wrapped up:—dast-band, s.m. A string of pearls or precious stones worn (by women) on the wrist;—a gold or silver ornament worn on the back of the hand:—dast-bandhak, s.f. A pledge, deposit:—dast-bos, dast-bosī, s.f. Kissing of hands:—dast-bos honā or dast-bosī karnā, To kiss the hand, to salute:—dast-baiʻ honā, To become a disciple (of):—dast-panāh, vulg. daspana, s.m. Tongs:—dast-ćālāk, adj. & s.m. Light-fingered;—a thief:—dast-ćālākī, s.f. Lightness of finger; stealth;—a civil war; a duel:-dast-ḵẖat̤, vulg. daskhat, daskat, s.m. 'Hand-writing'; signature; endorsement, or acceptance;—a manuscript, chirography:—dast-ḵẖaṭtod;ī, adj. Written with one's own hand; in manuscript; signed:—dast-darāz, adj. & s.m. 'Long-armed'; oppressive, extortionate;—an oppressor:—dast-darāzī, s.f. Violence, oppression, extortion, exaction, excess:—dast-darāzī karnā (-se, or -par?), To practice violence or oppression, to oppress, ill-treat, plunder, &c.:—dast-ras, adj. Within (one's) reach or power; to be reached with the hand; able; come to hand, obtained;—s.f. Reach; ability, power, means; aid, assistance; facility; dexterity, skill; acquisition, attainment:—dast-ras honā, v.n. To come to hand, to arrive; to be reached; to be obtained; to have in one's power, to be able:—dast-rasī, s.f.=dast-ras, q.v.:—dast-ě-shifā, 'Having healing in his hand,' an epithet of a physician who is successful in restoring his patients to health:—dast-t̤alab, s.m. Begging; want:—dast-ě-gaib, s.m. lit. 'The hidden hand'; a charm or incantation by means of which a hidden hand supplies one's wants:—dast-farosh, s.m. A retailer, a hawker, a pedlar:—dast-faroshī, s.f. Pedlary; the business of a pedlar:—dast-qudrat, s.f. Power, ability, strength:—dast-qalam, adj. Amputated in the hand;—s.m. A writer:—dast-kār, adj. Wrought, manufactured; dexterous, expert, expeditious;—s.m. One who lives by the work of his hands, an artificer, handicraftsman, artizan, artist, a manufacturer:—dast-kārī, s.f. Manufacture, handicraft; art, trade; operation (in surgery); dexterity:—dast-kash, adj. & s.m. Taken by the hand; led;—oppressed, weak;—a led horse; a guide (of the blind), a leader; a beggar; a captive:—dast-gāh, or dast-gah, s.f. Power, strength, ability, means; understanding; intellect; knowledge:—dast-gardān, adj. & s.m.? Going from hand to hand; hawked about;—money, &c. which is obtained on loan, a loan for a short period (on a verbal promise to pay);—anything hawked about for sale:—dast-gardān denā (-ko), To lend (money, &c.) for a short period:—dast-girifta, adj. & s.m. Taken by the hand, helped;—one who is taken by the hand, a protégé:—dast-gīr, adj. & s.m. Taking by the hand; laying hands on; imprisoned;—a helper, assistant, patron, protector, a guardian-saint;—a prisoner:—dast-gīrī, s.f. Assistance, aid, help; defence, support, protection, patronage:—dast-lāf, s.m.? The first money received for sale of merchandize in the morning, handsel (syn. bonī):—dast lagnā (ko), To feel a desire to ease nature; to have loose stools:—dast-māl, s.m. lit. 'Hand-wiper'; a towel; napkin; handkerchief:—dast-nigar, dast-nigarān, adj. lit. 'Regarding the hand'; needy, wanting, in want:—dast-o-bag̠al, adj. Caressing, embracing:—dast-o-girebān honā, 'To have the hand on the collar,' to engage in combat:—dast-yāb, adj. Attained, obtained; reached; attainable, procurable;—dast-yāb honā, v.n. To be attained, be acquired, be found, &c.; to attain (to), reach:—dast-yār, s.m. Aider, helper, assistant:—dast-yāra, s.m. A bracelet (of gold or silver).