عارض ʻāriẓ act. part. of عرض 'to be broad'; 'to appear,' c.
A عارض ʻāriẓ (act. part. of عرض 'to be broad'; 'to appear,' &c.), part. adj. & s.m. Appearing, showing or presenting itself, happening, befalling, occurring; intervening, preventing, barring;—an occurrence, accident, casualty; an obstacle, impediment, bar;—the side of the face, the cheek;—reviewer of an army or of a body of soldiers, a muster-master; general of an army:—ʻāriẓ-nāma, s.m. Particulars of receipts or revenues; record of occurrences or accidents; casualty-list:—ʻāriẓ honā, v.n. To show or present itself, to happen, befall (as a fever, &c.); to prove an obstacle (to), to prevent, bar, debar, &c.
عرض ʻaraẓ inf. n. of عرض 'to occur' to, 'to befall'
A عرض ʻaraẓ (inf. n. of عرض 'to occur' (to), 'to befall'), s.f. A thing that happens to or befalls (one), an accident, disease, sickness, a bane, a cause of mischief;—a contingent or accidental quality;—a muster of troops (=ʻarẓ).
اعرج aʻraj
A اعرج aʻraj, adj. Lame by nature, lame;—s.m. A cripple from birth.
اعراج ěʻrāj
A اعراج ěʻrāj [inf. n. iv of عرج 'to limp'], s.m. Making lame, crippling.
عروج ʻurūj inf. n. of عرج 'to ascend,' c.
A عروج ʻurūj (inf. n. of عرج 'to ascend,' &c.), s.m. Ascent; ascension; rising; exaltation;—zenith.