عزم ʻazm inf. n. of عزم 'to determine,' c.
A عزم ʻazm (inf. n. of عزم 'to determine,' &c.), s.m. Determination, resolution, decision, intention, fixed purpose, bent, aim; undertaking:—ʻazm-biʼl-jazm, Firm resolve, settled purpose, &c.:—ʻazm karnā, v.n. To make a resolve, to resolve, determine, &c.
عظم ʻaz̤m
A عظم ʻaz̤m, s.m. Bone.
عظيم ʻaz̤īm
A عظيم ʻaz̤īm, adj. Great, high in dignity; of great account or estimation;—large, vast, enormous, excessive, severe, grievous; difficult, burdensome, &c.:—ʻaz̤īmuʼsh-shān, adj. Of high station or dignity; magnificent, splendid; very large or lofty (buildings, or trees, &c.).
عازم ʻāzim act. part. of عزم 'to determine,' c.
A عازم ʻāzim (act. part. of عزم 'to determine,' &c.), part. adj. Determining, being resolved (on); intending; applying the mind to an undertaking; bound (for a place).
عظام ʻiz̤ām
A عظام ʻiz̤ām, s.m. pl. (of ʻaz̤m), Bones;—s.m. pl. (of ʻaz̤īm) The great.