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jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere

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لفظوں کے معنی دیکھنے کے لیے سرچ باکس میں ٹائپ کیجیے

"gul" کے معنی

ریختہ لغت



a rose, a flower/ to extinguish




herd, crowd, multitude



Ambiguous, Round

herd, crowd, mob, gang

मूर्ख, मूढ़, अनाड़ी।।



stylish group

پلیٹس لغت

گل gul

P گل gul [old P. varedha; Armen. & Ar. ward; S. फूल], s.m. A rose; a flower; a red patch (on anything);—snuff (of a lamp or a candle);—albugo, speck or pearl (in the eye);—a seton, an issue;—a mark made (on the skin) by burning, a brand; a round spot of lime applied to the temple (as a remedy for inflammation of the eye);—a ball of prepared charcoal (used for burning the tobacco in a ḥuqqa);—the caput mortuum of tobacco left on the tile of a ḥuqqa after smoking:—gul-āb, s.m. See s.v.:—gul-āćīn, s.m. The flower Plumeria acuminata, or P. alba:—gul-ě-ashrafī, s.m. Calendula;—the marigold, Linum trigynum (syn. gendā):—gul-ě-āftāb, s.m. The sun-flower, Helianthus annuus (syn. sūraj-mukhī):—gul-afshān, adj. Scattering roses; strewed with flowers:—gul-ě-anār, s.m.=gul-nār, q.v.:—gul-anās-kī jaṛ, s.f. Salep:—gul-andām, adj. 'With a body like a rose or flower'; delicate, slender; graceful;—of a pleasing nature:—gul-ě-aurang, s.m. The globe amaranth, or bachelor's buttons, Gomphrena globosa:—gul bāṅdhnā (-meṅ?), To char the end (of the match of a gun):—gul-bāng, s.f. The note of the nightingale; warbling;—sound;—fame, rumour;—glad tidings;—a loud shout; a war cry, the cry of Allāh, Allāh, when rushing to battle:—gul-badan, adj. 'With a body like the rose' (epithet of a mistress); delicate, graceful (syn. gul-andām);—s.f. A delicate, graceful, or lovely woman;—s.m. A kind of silk cloth:—gul-barg, s.m. A rose-leaf; (met.) a mistress;—lip (of a mistress):—gul-bun (bun = Pehl. vun = Zend van = S. vana), s.m. A rose-bush;—the root of a rose tree;—the foot of a tree:—gul-būṭā, s.m. Flowers and plants:—gul-phūlnā, v.n. To flower, to blossom, to bud;—a strange or wonderful thing to happen or to come to light:—gul-piyāda, s.m. A species of rose without smell;—a wild flower;—any flower that grows on a small plant:—gul-pairahanī, s.f. Delicacy of person:—gul-tarāsh, s.m. Snuffers:—gul-tarāshnā (-), To snuff (a candle, &c.):—gul-ě-jaʻfarī, s.m. Tagetes patula:—gul jhaṛnā, v.n. Flowers to drop or fall off; sparks to fly (from a fire, &c.); the charred part (of a match) to fall off:—gul-ě-ćāṅdnī, or gul-ćāṅdnī, s.f. A kind of flower, the moon-flower, Calonyction roxburghii:—gul-ćashm, adj. Troubled with albugo:—gul-ćikān, s.m. The flower of the Mahuʼa or Bassia latifolia:—gul-ćěhra, adj. Rosy-faced;—a proper name:—gul-ćharre uṛānā, To strew flowers;—to live in a bed of roses (or in clover); to live expensively;—to be addicted to pleasure:—gul-ćīn, adj. & s.m. Gathering roses or flowers;—a flower-gatherer; a gardener; a florist:—gul-ćīnī, s.f. The gathering of roses or flowers;—a kind of flower, the china rose (?):—gul-ḵẖār, s.m. The flower of the Solanum jacquini (or bhaṭ-kaṭaiyā):-gul-ḵẖāl, adj. Spotted; flowered:—gul-ě-khit̤mī, s.m. Marshmallows flower:—gul-khan, s.m. A fire-place (in a bath, &c.); a stove; a furnace;—gul-ḵẖan-tāb, s.m. One who lights the furnace (of a bath, &c.);—gul-ḵẖan-tābī, s.f. Heating or kindling of a stove or furnace:—gul-ě-ḵẖaira, or gul-ě-ḵẖairū, or gul-ḵẖairū, s.m. The gilliflower (esp. the yellow kind);—Chinese and Persian hollyhock, Althea rosea:—gul-dār, adj. Spotted; flowered (=gul-ḵẖāl):—gul-dān, s.m. A flower-pot; a flower-vase:—gul-ě-dāʼūdī, s.m. Chrysanthemum indicum:—gul-dasta, s.m. A handful of roses; a bunch of flowers; a nosegay:—gul-dum, s.f. lit. 'Rose-tailed'; a shrike, the Indian bulbul (a very different bird from the nightingale: it receives its name from the fact of its having a red rose-like patch under its tail):—gul-ě-do-pahra, or gul-ě-do-pahrī, or gul-ě-do-pahriyā, s.m. The marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa; Pentapetes phœnicia:—gul denā (-ko), To scar; to brand; to make an issue:—gul-ruḵẖ, or gul-ruḵẖsār, adj. Rosy-cheeked:—gul-ě-raʻnā, s.m. A beautiful delicate-scented rose:—gul-rang, adj. Rose-coloured, roseate, rosy:—gul-rū, adj. Rosy-faced, rosy, ruddy;—s.f. A sweetheart, a mistress:—gul-rez, adj. Scattering roses or flowers;—s.m. A kind of firework, matches with or without stars:—gul-zār, s.m. A garden of roses; a bed of roses; a garden;—a flourishing and well-populated town;—adj. Blooming, flourishing:—gul-istān, s.m. A rose-garden; a flower-garden;—name of a celebrated Persian book in prose and verse, by Shaikh Saʻdī Musliḥuʼd-dīn of Shīraz:—gul-ě-suranjān, s.m. Flower of the hermodactyl plant, Colchicum illyricum:—gul-ě-sūrī, s.f. A remarkably beautiful and odoriferous Persian (Syrian?) rose:—gul-ě-sosan, s.f. A lily:—gul-ě-shab-bo, s.f. Tuberose, Polianthes tuberosa (it is called 'shab-bo' from its giving forth scent in the night alone):—gul-shakar, or gul-shakarī (in Persian, also gul-bā-shakar, or gul-ba-shakar), s.f. Sugar mixed with dried rose-leaves; conserve of roses:—gul-shan, s.m. A rose (or flower) garden; a bed of roses or flowers;—a delightful spot, a place of enjoyment;—adj. Florid; cheerful, agreeable:—gul-ě-ṣad-barg, s.m. The hundred-leaved rose, Rosa centipetela;—the sun:—gul-ě-t̤urra, s.m. Poinciana pulcherrima:—gul-ě-ʻabbās, s.m. The plant Marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa:—gul-ě-ʻajāʼib, or gul-ě-ʻajūba, s.m. The flower Hibiscus mutabilis:—gul-ʻěẕār, adj. Rosy-cheeked (=gul-ruḵẖ):—gul-fām, adj. Rose-coloured; like the rose;—s.f. A mistress:—gul-ě-farang, s.m. The flower Vinca rosea:—gul-fishān, adj. Scattering roses, &c. (=gul-afshān, q.v.):—gul-fishānī, s.f. The scattering of roses or flowers:—gul-qand, s.m. Conserve of roses, candied roses:—gul-kāṭnā (-), To snuff (a candle):—gul-kārī, s.f. Flowering; flower-painting;—figured work, embroidery:—gul katarnā (-), To snuff (a candle); to trim (a lamp);—to calumniate:—gul karnā, v.t. To extinguish (a candle or lamp):—gul-ě-kūza, s.m. A wild rose;—a white rose (syn. nasrīn; seʼotī):—gul-khānā, v.n. To be cauterized; to cauterize oneself (a practice among lovers, who burn themselves with heated pieces of coin, &c., as a proof of their love):—gul khilānā (-ko), To throw a squib at (a person);—to sow dissension, cause a disturbance; to poke fun at:—gul khilnā, v.n.=gul phūlnā, q.v.:—gul-khanḍā, s.m. A bell:—gul-kesh, or gul-kīs, s.m. The cock's-comb flower, Amaranthus cruentus:—gul-gasht, s.m. (f.?) Walking in a garden; an evening walk; recreation; a pleasant place for walking or recreation (esp. one blooming with roses and other flowers):—gul-gūṅ, adj. Rose- (or vermilion-) coloured, roseate, damask;—s.m. Paint (for the face);—a goblet of wine;—a bright bay horse belonging to Shirīn the mistress of Farhād:—gul-gūna, adj. Rose-coloured, &c. (=gul-gūn);—s.m. Cosmetic:—gul-gīr, s.m. Snuffers (=gul-tarāsh):—gul-lāla, s.m. The talip;—the red poppy:—gul-laḥana, s.m. Cauliflower:—gul lagānā (-meṅ?), To brand, to mark; to scar:—gul lenā (-), To snuff (a candle):—gul-ě-maḵẖmal, s.f. Globe amaranth, Gomphrena globosa:—gul-ě-mukarrar, s.m. Syrup of roses:—gul-ě-maulsirī, s.f. The flower Mimusops elengi:—gul-měhndī or měṅhdī, s.f. The balsam, Impatiens balsamina:—gul-meḵẖ, s.f. A large-headed rose-shaped nail (fixed in gates);—a spike-nail; a stud, a tack:—gul-nār, or gul-ě-anār, s.m. Flower of the pomegranate;—gul-nārī, adj. Of the colour of the pomegranate flower; carnation-coloured, scarlet:—gulnārī, or gulnārī-raṅg, s.m. Carnation;—scarlet:—gul-ě-nasrīn, or gul-nasrīn, s.m. The wild rose, dog-rose; eglantine (syn. seʼotī):—gul-ě-hazāra, s.m. The double poppy, Papaverrhœas:—gul honā, v.n. To be extinguished; to go out (a lamp or candle).

گل गल gul contrac. of gāl, q.v.

H گل गल gul (contrac. of gāl, q.v.), s.m. The cheek;—a mouthful (used as first member of compounds, e.g. gal-phūlā, &c. q.v.s.v.).

گول गोल gol

H گول गोल gol [S. गोला], s.f. A large globular water-jar (of earth).

غول g̠ol prob. akin to S. कुल

P غول g̠ol (prob. akin to S. कुल), s.m. A company, band, body, troop, multitude, crowd, gang, herd:—g̠ol-ke g̠ol, Crowds, whole crowds or herds, crowds upon crowds.

گول गोल gol for غول g̠ol, q.v.

H گول गोल gol (for غول g̠ol, q.v.), s.m. A body, party, &c.;—(local) a party from another village sojourning with their cattle for pasture.


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