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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere

रद करें डाउनलोड शेर

उर्दू शब्दकोष

उर्दू शब्द के अर्थ जानने के लिए सर्च बॉक्स में टाइप कीजिए

"kalaam" का अर्थ

रेख़्ता शब्दकोश



word, speech, conversation, talk

बात, बातें



pen name



cuttings of trees or plants

a pen



speaker, interlocutor, title of prophet moses

बात करनेवाला, बातचीत करने- वाला, घायल, ज़ख्मी, हज़रत मूसा की उपाधि।

प्लैट्स शब्दकोश

کلام kalām fr. ii of rt. کلم

A کلام kalām (fr. ii of rt. کلم), s.m. Word, speech, discourse; a complete sentence or proposition; composition, work;—disputation; anything said (or to be said) against, objection, question:—kalāmuʼllāh, 'The word of God,' the Qǒrʼān:—kalām-majīd, 'The glorious book,' the Qǒrʼān:—kalām karnā, To speak; to relate; to affirm; to reason, argue, dispute.

کليم kalīm prob. fr. ii of کلم; see kalām

A کليم kalīm (prob. fr. ii of کلم; see kalām), s.m. One who speaks to another, an interlocutor (=kalām karne-wālā); a familiar:—kalīmuʼllāh, One who speaks to God; an epithet of Moses.

کلم कलम kalam =qalam, q.v.

H کلم कलम kalam (=qalam, q.v.), s.f. A reed (for writing with);—a graft, a slip;—a side-lock (of hair).

قلم qalam fr. qalm, 'paring,' inf. n. of قلم; cf. Gr. κάλαμος; Lat. calamus, and culmus; S. कलम

A قلم qalam (fr. qalm, 'paring,' inf. n. of قلم; cf. Gr. κάλαμος; Lat. calamus, and culmus; S. कलम), s.m. & f. A reed; reed-pen, pen; a pencil; a painter's brush;—an engraving tool;—a mode of writing, character, handwriting;—s.f. Cuttings (of trees, &c., for planting), a set, a slip; a section, paragraph (of a chapter in a book);—the upper part of the beard tapering to a point; a kind of firework;—a crystal (as of salts);—qalam uṭhā-kar likhnā, or qalam bar-dāshta likhnā, To write offhand:—qalam-andāz, adj. lit. 'Throwing away the pen'; neglecting (to write); omitting (in writing);—qalam-andāz karnā, v.t. To omit, leave out (in writing):—qalam banānā, To make or mend a pen;—to shave the upper part of the beard:—qalam-band, adj. Penned, noted down, written, written out or down; inserted, entered, recorded, registered; taken into account:—qalam-band karnā, v.t. To take down in writing, to commit to writing, to write; to note down, make an entry of, book, enter, insert;—qalam-band honā, v.n. To be written, to be taken down in writing, &c.:—qalam-bandī, s.f. Insertion, entry; enrolling, enlisting; a writing of distinct heads and items (as a code of instructions, or the articles of an agreement, or a settlement, &c.); signing an agreement; signature:—qalam-pāk, s.m. A pen-wiper:—qalam phernā (-par), To draw the pen (through), to strike out; to obliterate, erase; to cancel:—qalam-tarāsh, s.f. A pen-knife: qalam-jārī, s.f. Enrolling, enlisting, levying of forces:—qalam jārī rahnā (-), 'One's pen to continue to run'; to continue in office or authority:—qalam ćalānā, 'To drive the pen,' to write:—qalam-dān, s.m. Pen-case, pen-and-ink-case, a standish; the ensign of the viziership;—qalam-dān denā (-ko), 'To give the pen-case' (to); to confer a post (upon);—to raise to the dignity of vizier or minister:—qalam-dawāt, Pen and ink or inkstand:—qalam-rav or rau, s.m., or qalam-ravī or rauʼī, s.f. Empire, dominion, domain, territories, sovereignty, jurisdiction:—qalam-kār, s.m. A writer; an engraver; a painter:—qalam-kārī, s.f. Writing; engraving; painting; the art of engraving, &c.;—workmanship;—a species of flowered calico or chintz:—qalam karnā, v.t. To cut; to cut off; to prune:—qalam-kashī, s.f. Writing, calligraphy:—qalam khaiṅćnā = qalam phernā, or qalam mārnā:—qalam lagānā (-meṅ), To plant or set down slips or cuttings; to graft (in):—qalam mārnā (-par), To draw the pen through or across, to obliterate:—qalam yārī denā, (One's) pen to befriend, or stand in good stead; to live by (one's) pen:—qalameṅ (vulg. qalmeṅ) ćhoṛnā (-meṅ), To leave some hairs in the upper part of the beard:—parkār-kī qalam, s.f. Bow-compasses:—yak-qalam, adv. With one stroke of the pen; at once.


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