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Dictionary matches for "mai"







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مي मै mai, 1˚

H مي मै mai, 1˚ postpn. (dialec.)=meṅ, q.v.;—2˚ or मय mai, pron. (old H.)=maiṅ, q.v.

ما मा mā

H ما मा [contrac. of māʼī = Prk. माइआ=S. मातृका], s.f. A mother;—an epithet of Lakshmī;—a term of respectful compellation to an elderly woman:—mā-bāp, s.m. Mother and father, parents:—mā-bahan, s.f. Mother and sister:—mā-bahan karnā, To abuse (one's) mother and sister:—mā-jāyā, adj. & s.m. (f. -jāʼī), Born of the same mother;—full brother, own brother:—mā-jāʼī, s.f. Own sister:—mā-kā dūdh, s.m. Mother's milk;—adj. As mother's milk, lawful, &c.:—mā-ke peṭ-se le-kar nikalnā, To be born with:—bin mā-bāp-kā, adj. & s.m. (fem. -), Orphan;—an orphan:—bin mā-kā baććā, s.m. A motherless child.

مو मौ mau, māʼu prop. onomat.

P H مو मौ mau, māʼu (prop. onomat.), s.m.(?) Mewing (of a cat).

ما mā, rel

A ما , rel. pron. Which, that which, what, whatever, whatsoever;—somewhat, something;—who, he who; those who;—(interrog. pron.) what? why? wherefore? what! how!—adv. & conj. No, not;—as long as, whilst, during; as much as; as far as (N.B. only occurs in Arabic phrases):—mā baʻd, What (is) after; after that, following:—mā baqā, or mā baqī, or mā baqīya, Remaining over, the rest, remainder, remnant, arrears, balance, surplus:—mā bi-hiʼl-iḥtiyāj, Whatever is (or may be) necessary:—mā bain, s.m. What is between; interval, interstice, space between (two bodies); interim;—both sides;—adj. & adv. Intermediate, intervening;—between, among; during:—mā taḥt, adj. & s.m. 'That which is under'; subordinate; dependent;—lower, inferior:—mā ḥāṣil, What is the result or produce:—mā ḥasal, s.m. That which is collected; anything collected; the harvest; harvest (of fruit trees, and the like), produce;—profit; income;—result, upshot (of discussion, &c.); inference; conclusion:—mā ḥaẓar, s.m. Whatever is (or was) ready or present or prepared (particularly victuals); pot-luck;—adj. Ready, present, prepared:—mā dāma, vulg. mā dām, adv. 'As long as it lasts'; so long as, until, during, whilst:—mā sābaq, adj. & s.m. What precedes or has preceded; anything past, said, or done;—preceding; aforesaid, before-mentioned:—mā salaf, adj. & s.m. What is past; the preceding;—passed, elapsed; before-mentioned or done:—mā siwā, s.m. & adv. That which is over; what is besides;—besides, moreover; save:—mā shā' allāh, What God wills;—may God be unwilling; God forbid; may God preserve him (or it) from the evil eye:—mā ṣadaq, s.m. That which is true;—whatever demonstrates, confirms, or verifies:—mā fauq, adj. & adv. 'That which is beyond'; beyond, without, above; aforesaid;—excelling; superior:—mā fiʼẓ-ẓamīr, s.m. What is in the mind; intention, thought, design, reflection; a secret:—mā qabl, adj. & s.m. What precedes or is before; antecedent, before, preceding, prior, last:—mā lā-kalām, adj. What cannot be told, unspeakable, inexpressible, unutterable, beyond description; ineffable:—mā lā-yut̤āq, adj. Insupportable, intolerable:—mā lā-yanḥall, adj. What cannot be untied or dissolved; inextricable; inexplicable:—mā warā, s.m. & adv. What is behind or beyond;—beyond; after;—besides; moreover; except, save (syn. mā-siwā):—mā yataḥallal, s.m. Whatever is dissolved (by liquefaction or concoction) and has vanished:—mā yaḥtāj, s.m. What is needed or necessary:—mā yaʼūl, What returns; what may come to pass.

ماء māʼ orig. māh

A ماء māʼ (orig. māh), s.m. Water; juice, sap, serum, humour, liquor; semen, sperm;—lustre; splendour; temper (as of a sword); clearness or brightness (of the face;—syn. āb):—māʼuʼl-jubn (vulg. māl-joban), s.m. Whey (particularly, of goat's milk); serum or whey which drops from new-made cheese:—māʼuʼl-ḥayāt, s.m. Water of life or immortality:—māʼuʼl-ʻasal, s.m. Water and honey; metheglin:—māʼuʼl-qarʼ, s.m. Juice of the pumpkin:—māʼuʼl-laḥm, s.m. Distilled water from (kid's) flesh with spices; strong soup:—māʼuʼl-ward, s.m. Rose-water.


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