مثال mis̤āl
A مثال mis̤āl [v.n. fr. مثل 'to compare, liken,' &c.; see mis̤l], s.f. Likeness, similitude; simile; analogy; parable, metaphor; specimen, example, model; a case adduced
as a precedent;—adj. Like, resembling:—mis̤āl denā, To give an example or illustration:—be-mis̤āl, or ʻadīmuʼl-mis̤āl, adj. Incomparable.
مشال मशाल maśāl
H مشال मशाल maśāl, s.f. corr. of مشعل mashʻal, q.v.
مسائل masāʼil
A مسائل masāʼil, s.m. pl. (of maśala, q.v.), Questions; propositions; problems;—the precepts of Moḥammad.
موسل मूसल mūsal
H موسل मूसल mūsal [Prk. मूसलं; S. मुसलं], s.m. A pestle; a long heavy wooden pestle used for husking rice, &c.;—a club:—mūsal-dhār, or mūsal-dhārā, s.m.=mūslā-dhār, and musal-dhār, qq.v.
مثل mas̤al v.n. of مثل 'to compare, liken'
A مثل mas̤al (v.n. of مثل 'to compare, liken'), s.f. Fable, tale; parable, apologue; proverb, adage, proverbial saying;—example, instance, case in point;—comparison, simile, allegory, metaphor;—post, station; department:—mas̤al lānā, To bring a proverb into use, to apply or to employ a proverb;—to adduce as an example:—ẓarbuʼl-mas̤al, s.f. See s.v. ẓarb.