محتاج mǒḥtāj pass. part. of احتاج, viii of and syn. with حاج for حوج 'to be in want of, to want, need'
A محتاج mǒḥtāj (pass. part. of احتاج, viii of (and syn. with) حاج (for حوج) 'to be in want (of), to want, need'), adj. Necessitous, needy, indigent, poor, in want, in need (of);—defective, wanting;—s.m. One who is in need, a poor man, a pauper; a beggar;—a cripple:—mǒḥtāj-ḵẖāna, s.m. A poor-house:—mǒḥtāj karnā (-ko), To reduce to need or want, to make poor, to impoverish:—mǒḥtāj honā (-kā), To be (or to stand) in need (of), to need; to be poor; to have occasion (for).