مروت muruwwat, vulg. murūwat for A. مروة, inf. n. of مرؤ 'to be bold or manly,' c.
P مروت muruwwat, vulg. murūwat (for A. مروة, inf. n. of مرؤ 'to be bold or manly,' &c.), s.f. Manhood, manliness, virility, fortitude;—human nature; humanity;—generosity; benevolence; kindness;—urbanity, affability, politeness:—muruwwat toṛnā (apnī), To cease treating with kindness or affection; to put an end to kindly feeling (between); to withdraw (one's) regard (from):—muruwwat karnā (-se), To practise kindness or civility (towards), show kindness or regard (to), deal kindly, &c. (with):—muruwwat-wālā (f. -ī), adj. Humane; kind; gracious; affable:—be-muruwwat, adj. Inhuman; unkind; ungracious; uncivil, rude, unpolished.