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Urdu Dictionary

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Dictionary matches for "mushkil"




difficult, tough, difficulty


مشکل mushkil act. part. of اشکل 'to be or become dubious, or confused,' iv of شکل 'to be or become like, to resemble'

A مشکل mushkil (act. part. of اشکل 'to be or become dubious, or confused,' iv of شکل 'to be or become like, to resemble'), adj. Difficult, hard; painful; intricate, knotty;—dubious, doubtful; obscure; ambiguous;—s.f. Difficulty, hardship; intricacy, perplexity:—mushkil ā-paṛnā (-par), A difficulty to come (upon), or to beset (one); to meet with a difficulty:—mushkil āsān karnā (-), To remove a difficulty (from the path of), to relieve (one) of a hardship or difficulty; to clear or smooth the path (of):—mushkil ānā, or mushkil bannā, or mushkil-paṛnā, v.n. See mushkil-ā-paṛnā:—mushkil-pasand, adj. & s.m. Delighting (or one who delights) in difficulties; fond (or one who is fond) of big or obscure words:—mushkil-pasandī, s.f. Delight in, or fondness of, difficulties, &c.:—mushkil-se, adv. With difficulty;—hardly, scarcely:—mushkil karnā, v.t. To make or render difficult or hard:—mushkil-kushā, s.m. Solver, or remover, of difficulties:—mushkil kushāʼī, s.f. The solving, overcoming, or removing, of difficulties:—mushkil-guẕar, or mushkil-guẕār, adj. Difficult to pass:—mushkil-meṅ paṛnā, v.n. To fall into a difficulty; to get into trouble, or into a mess;—to fall (or get) into a state of doubt or perplexity, to be at a loss.


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