رين रैन rain, रैनि raini
H رين रैन rain, रैनि raini [Prk. रयणी; S. रजनी], s.f. Night:—rain-baserā, s.m. Nocturnal abode, roost; a night's halt or lodging:—rain-ćain, s.m. Nocturnal revelry;—perfect ease or tranquillity:—rain-din, adj. Night and day, continually (=rāt-din).
رن रन ran
H رن रन ran [Prk. रणं or अरणं; S. अरण्यं], s.m. Wood, forest; desert, waste, wilderness:—ran-ban, s.m. A wilderness.
دين देन den fr. denā, q.v.
H دين देन den (fr. denā, q.v.), s.m. (f. ?), Giving; a gift debt, liability (=denā):—den-dār, s.m. A debtor, ower (cf. dain-dār):—den-len (or len-den), s.m. 'Giving and taking,' dealings, commercial transactions, barter, traffic; pecuniary transactions on interest; debit and credit:—den-hār, den-hārā, s.m. Giver (=dene-wālā); payer; debtor.
دين dain, vulg. den
A دين dain, vulg. den, s.m. A debt; a loan (syn. qarẓ):—dain-tamassukī, s.f. The certificate given to a banker who has given up his effects:—dain-dār, s.m. A debtor, ower (of, -kā):—daīn-ě-muʼajjal, s.m. A debt payable on demand:—dain-ě-muwajjal, s.m. A debt of which payment is deferred.
دين dīn prob. fr. Pehl. Pārsī dīn = Zend daênā, rt. dī = S. धी
A دين dīn (prob. fr. Pehl. & Pārsī dīn = Zend daênā, rt. dī = S. धी), s.m. Faith, religion; the religion (of Moḥammad):—dīn-panāh, s.m. Support or protection of religion, defender of the faith:—dīn-dār, adj. Religious, devout, pious, virtuous:—dīn-dārī, s.f. Religiousness, devoutness, devotion; firmness or constancy in religion:—dīn-dunyā, s.f. 'Religion and the world,' the hope of religious belief (i.e. the happiness of the next world) and this world:—dīn-dunyā-se jānā, To fail to secure happiness either in this world or the next:—dīn dīn pukārnā, To raise the cry of 'Religion!' to raise the standard of a religious war:—dīn-kā, adj. (f. -ī), Of or appertaining to religion, religious:—dīn-kā sāth-denā, To stand by, or to fight for, (one's) religion:—dīn-meṅ milānā (-ko), To bring over to a religion, make a convert of.