تائبه tāʼiba for A. تائبة
P تائبه tāʼiba (for A. تائبة), f. = A تائب tāʼib, m. (part. n. of تائبه 'to repent'), adj. Repenting of sin, repentant, penitent.
طبعي t̤abʻī, vulg. t̤abaʻī fr. t̤abʻ
A طبعي t̤abʻī, vulg. t̤abaʻī (fr. t̤abʻ), adj. Natural, innate, constitutional, physical (cf. t̤abīʻī):—ʻilm-ě-t̤abʻī, s.m. Natural science, natural philosophy, physics.
تابه tāba rel. n. from tāb, q.v.
P تابه tāba (rel. n. from tāb, q.v.), s.m. A frying-pan; a skillet.
تعبئه taʻbiʼa
P تعبئه taʻbiʼa [for A. تعبئة taʻbiat, fem., inf. n. ii of عبأ 'to arrange,' &c.], = A تعبيه taʻbiya [inf. n. ii of عبو or عبي=عبأ], s.m. Setting in order, arranging; arrangement, disposition; drawing up (an army), preparing for battle; inlaying.
طبائع t̤abāʼěʻ
A طبائع t̤abāʼěʻ, s.f. pl. (of t̤abīʻat, q.v.), Natures, temperaments, constitutions, dispositions, &c.