تشريف tashrīf
A تشريف tashrīf [inf. n. ii of شرف 'to be exalted,' &c.], s.f. Honouring, exalting, ennobling; decking or investing with a splendid robe;—(in address) your honour, your worship:—tashrīf arzānī farmānā, tashrīf farmānā, v.n. To go; to come:—tashrīf-le-jānā, v.n. To go:—tashrīf-lānā, v.n. To grace or honour with one's presence, to come (used in speaking of or to a superior, but never of oneself, except by kings).
تشاريف tashārīf
A تشاريف tashārīf, s.f. pl. (of tashrīf), Honours, dignities.