INDEX OF Artists
Selected poetry of hundreds of poets
Kaami Shah
Kaif Azimabadi
Kaif Bhopali
Popular poet and lyricist famous for his lyrics in film Paakeeza.
Kaifi Azmi
One of prominent progressive poets with popular appeal. Also film lyricist famous for his lyrics in films like Heer Ranjha, Kaghaz ke Phool etc.
Kaleem Aajiz
Prominent contemporary Indian poet of classical tone.
Kaleem Usmani
Khalid Alig
Khalid Irfan
Prominent Pakistani poet of humour and satire, living in New York, USA.
Khalid Javed
Prominent modernist fiction writer, known for his stories around existential issues; also the author of books on Marquez and Milan Kundera in Urdu.
Khalilur Rahman Azmi
One of the founding fathers of modern Urdu criticism in the subcontinient.
Khan Rizwan
Khatir Ghaznavi
Famous for his ghazal 'Go zara si baaat par barson ke yaraane gai.' sung by many singers.
One of the important short story writers to emerge in the 70s; known for his iconoclasm.
Khurshid Akram
One of the most prominent contemporary poets known for his unique love-poetry
One of the most prominent contemporary poets, also having popular appeal.
Khwaja Aziz-ul-Hasan Majzuub
Kishwar Naheed
Renowned Pakistani poet known for her bold views on women and strong stand against religious fundamentalism
Krishn Bihari Noor
Popular poet, a fine exponet of the language and culture of Lucknow.
Krishn Chander
A contemporary of Manto, associated with the Progressive Writers Movement, known for his stories of romance and social realism.