- کتاب فہرست 182760
کتابیں : بہ اعتبار موضوع
ادب اطفال1919
طب861 تحریکات289 ناول4227 -
کتابیں : بہ اعتبار موضوع
- بیت بازی11
- اشاریہ5
- اشعار64
- دیوان1430
- دوہا65
- رزمیہ98
- شرح182
- گیت81
- غزل1045
- ہائیکو12
- حمد39
- مزاحیہ36
- انتخاب1534
- کہہ مکرنی6
- کلیات663
- ماہیہ19
- مجموعہ4779
- مرثیہ372
- مثنوی811
- مسدس56
- نعت522
- نظم1172
- دیگر67
- پہیلی16
- قصیدہ179
- قوالی19
- قطعہ57
- رباعی289
- مخمس17
- ریختی12
- باقیات27
- سلام32
- سہرا9
- شہر آشوب، ہجو، زٹل نامہ13
- تاریخ گوئی28
- ترجمہ73
- واسوخت26
خالد جاوید
کتاب 19
ویڈیو 3
This video is playing from YouTubeویڈیو کا زمرہ
The master story-teller Gabriel Garcia Marquez from Columbia was equally well known to Urdu Literary World passed away a few days back. Renowned Urdu fiction writer Dr. Khalid Javed has done a great job by introducing some of his important works to Urdu literary world. Here are some of the excerpts of his interview with Zamarrud Mughal at Rekhta Studio. خالد جاوید
Dr.Khalid Javed is an Assistant Professor at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He is a renowned fiction writer and critic. His novel "MAUT KI KITAAB" has become a landmark in the history of Urdu fiction and has been widely talked about in literary circle. Here are some excerpts from his interview with Zamarrud Mughal at Rekhta Studio. خالد جاوید
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ادب اطفال1919