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Editor : Maulwi Abdul Haq

Shumara Number : Shumara Number-001

Publisher : Matbua Hyderabad Press, Hyderabad

Origin : Hyderabad, India

Language : Urdu

Pages : 266

Contributor : Sundarayya Vignana Kendram, Hyderabad

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About The Magazine

the magazine "afsar hyderabad" was launched in april 1897 and published literary and scholarly articles. maulvi abdul haq was also associated with its editorial work. abid raza bedar, in his book "urdu ke ahem adabi risale aur akhbar", documented important details about afsar. he quoted vitthal rao, the author of "bustan-e-asifiya", stating: "in the beginning, maulvi mohib hussain, editor of ‘muallim niswan,’ served as the editor for two years. the magazine was then discontinued for a short period. later, it resumed publication under the editorship of maulvi abdul haq, b.a." the magazine featured historical, social, and military articles, as well as book reviews. dr. muhammad anwaruddin wrote: "this magazine primarily published articles related to the military, including translations of important writings by army officers, discussions on famous generals, war histories, military strategies, war games, and advancements in warfare technology. occasionally, articles on hunting were also published." notable articles in "afsar" the magazine maintained high editorial standards. in addition to maulvi abdul haq’s critiques, some of its important articles included: "urdu novels par aik nazar" (a review of urdu novels) – maulvi muhammad aziz mirza, b.a. "huroof-e-muqatta’at, alamat-e-maadni, aur alat-e-tehreer-e-taba’i" (disjointed letters, mineral symbols, and printing tools) – maulvi nizamuddin hassan, b.a. "falsafa-e-qiyafa" (the philosophy of physiognomy) – maulvi syed nazir hussain farooqi "insaan ki nasho-o-numa" (human development) – maulvi abdul ghani rifat "urdu akhbarat ke editoron ko naik salah" (good advice to urdu newspaper editors) – maulvi abdul haq, b.a. additionally, afsar published: "aurton ki nisbat sir syed ahmed ke khayalat" (sir syed ahmed’s views on women) – maulvi mohib hussain "jangi tareekh" (military history) – maulvi mohib hussain "qoumon ki pandrah mashhoor alamatain aur zawal ki nishaniyan" (fifteen famous symbols of nations and signs of their decline) – khawaja ghulam-us-thaqalain "masla-e-izdawaj par aik nazar" (a review of the marriage issue) – maulvi muhammad akhtar "musannifeen ki nisbat ghaibana khayal" (speculations on writers) – maulvi abdul haq the closure of "afsar" it was one of the most influential magazines of its time. upon its closure, khawaja altaf hussain hali wrote to maulvi abdul haq: "has afsar shut down completely? no quality magazine can survive in india. ma’arif, adeeb, hassan, and other excellent magazines disappeared one after another. how can we expect afsar to continue? any publication dependent on muslim readership is bound to struggle and decline."

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