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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


adam mein rahte to shad rahte use bhi fikr-e-sitam na hota

Momin Khan Momin

adam mein rahte to shad rahte use bhi fikr-e-sitam na hota

Momin Khan Momin

MORE BYMomin Khan Momin

    adam meñ rahte to shaad rahte use bhī fikr-e-sitam na hotā

    jo ham na hote to dil na hotā jo dil na hotā to ġham na hotā

    If I had been in nothingness, my heart would not complain

    were I not here, there'd be no heart and with no heart no pain

    huī ḳhajālat se nafrat afzūñ gile kiye ḳhuub āḳhirīñ dam

    vo kaash ik dam Thahar ke aate ki mere lab par bhī dam na hotā

    her hatred rose when her complaints shamed me so close to death

    if only she would have delayed, there would have been no breath

    paḌā marnā bas ab to ham ko jo us ne ḳhat paḌh ke nāma-bar se

    kahā ki gar sach ye haal hotā to daftar itnā raqam na hotā

    I have to die now, as she bids the messenger explain

    how could he pen such lengthy tomes if was truly in pain

    kisī ke jalne dhyān aayā vagarna dūd-e-fuġhāñ se mere

    agar hazāroñ sipehr bante tumhārī āñkhoñ meñ nam na hotā

    you thought of someone else's pain, else smoke of my lament

    would not bring tears to your eyes, however dense it went

    jo aap dar se uThā na dete kahīñ na kartā maiñ jab.ha-sā.ī

    agarche ye sarnavisht meñ thā tumhāre sar qasam na hotā

    had you not bid me rise and leave, I wouldn't bow elsewhere

    if even were my destiny, it would not be I swear

    visāl ko ham taras rahe the jo ab huā to mazā na paayā

    adū ke marne jab ḳhushī thī ki us ko ranj-o-alam na hotā

    when union, that I yearned for, came, no pleasure I received

    I would be glad at my foe's death, if only she'd not grieved

    jahān-e-tañg o hujūm-e-vahshat ġharaz ki dam par burī banī thī

    kahāñ maiñ jaatā na Thahartā kahīñ jo dasht-e-adam na hotā

    constriction of this world and throngs of frenzy caused me grief

    weren't it for wilderness of death where would I find relief

    magar raqīboñ ne sar uThāyā ki ye na hotā to be-muravvat

    nazar se zāhir hayā na hotī hayā se gardan meñ ḳham na hotā

    perchance my rivals stared at her, for else, in no event

    would coyness in her eyes appear, or would her neck be bent

    vahāñ taraqqī jamāl ko hai yahāñ mohabbat hai roz-afzūñ

    sharīk-e-zebā thā bul-havas bhī jo bevafā.ī meñ kam na hotā

    there beauty does ever increase, here love does daily grow

    the lecher faithless in intent, does bathe too in her glow

    ġhalat ki sāne' ko ho gavārā ḳharāsh-e-añgusht-hā-e-nāzuk

    javāb-e-ḳhat umiid rakhte jo qaul-e-juffil-qalam na hotā

    The Maker too would not accept her dainty finger bruised

    Thus a response I didn’t expect, lest by a quill contused

    ye be-takalluf phirā rahī hai kashish dil-e-āshiqāñ us ko

    vagarna aisī nazākatoñ pe ḳhirām-e-nāz ik qadam na hotā

    attracted by her lover's heart, she roams without a care

    for else her feet so frail and soft, nary a step would dare

    visāl to hai kahāñ mayassar magar ḳhayāl-e-visāl meñ

    maze uḌāte havas nikaltī jo saath andāz-e-ram na hotā

    Where else could union be obtained except in reverie

    in dreams desires I would sate, did she not coyly flee

    huā musalmāñ maiñ aur Dar se na dars-e-vā.iz ko sun ke 'momin'

    banī thī dozaḳh balā se bantī azāb-e-hijr-e-sanam na hotā

    Muslim Momin turned in fear , not on the priest's advice

    parting's pain I could not bear, of hell didn't care a trice

    adam mein rahte to shad rahte use bhi fikr-e-sitam na hota

    jo hum na hote to dil na hota jo dil na hota to gham na hota

    If I had been in nothingness, my heart would not complain

    were I not here, there'd be no heart and with no heart no pain

    hui KHajalat se nafrat afzun gile kiye KHub aaKHirin dam

    wo kash ek dam Thahar ke aate ki mere lab par bhi dam na hota

    her hatred rose when her complaints shamed me so close to death

    if only she would have delayed, there would have been no breath

    paDa hi marna bas ab to hum ko jo us ne KHat paDh ke nama-bar se

    kaha ki gar sach ye haal hota to daftar itna raqam na hota

    I have to die now, as she bids the messenger explain

    how could he pen such lengthy tomes if was truly in pain

    kisi ke jalne ka dhyan aaya wagarna dud-e-fughan se mere

    agar hazaron sipehr bante tumhaari aankhon mein nam na hota

    you thought of someone else's pain, else smoke of my lament

    would not bring tears to your eyes, however dense it went

    jo aap dar se uTha na dete kahin na karta main jabha-sai

    agarche ye sarnawisht mein tha tumhaare sar ki qasam na hota

    had you not bid me rise and leave, I wouldn't bow elsewhere

    if even were my destiny, it would not be I swear

    visal ko hum taras rahe the jo ab hua to maza na paya

    adu ke marne ki jab KHushi thi ki us ko ranj-o-alam na hota

    when union, that I yearned for, came, no pleasure I received

    I would be glad at my foe's death, if only she'd not grieved

    jahan-e-tang o hujum-e-wahshat gharaz ki dam par buri bani thi

    kahan main jata na ji Thaharta kahin jo dasht-e-adam na hota

    constriction of this world and throngs of frenzy caused me grief

    weren't it for wilderness of death where would I find relief

    magar raqibon ne sar uThaya ki ye na hota to be-murawwat

    nazar se zahir haya na hoti haya se gardan mein KHam na hota

    perchance my rivals stared at her, for else, in no event

    would coyness in her eyes appear, or would her neck be bent

    wahan taraqqi jamal ko hai yahan mohabbat hai roz-afzun

    sharik-e-zeba tha bul-hawas bhi jo bewafai mein kam na hota

    there beauty does ever increase, here love does daily grow

    the lecher faithless in intent, does bathe too in her glow

    ghalat ki sane' ko ho gawara KHarash-e-angusht-ha-e-nazuk

    jawab-e-KHat ki umid rakhte jo qaul-e-juffil-qalam na hota

    The Maker too would not accept her dainty finger bruised

    Thus a response I didn’t expect, lest by a quill contused

    ye be-takalluf phira rahi hai kashish dil-e-ashiqan ki us ko

    wagarna aisi nazakaton pe KHiram-e-naz ek qadam na hota

    attracted by her lover's heart, she roams without a care

    for else her feet so frail and soft, nary a step would dare

    visal to hai kahan mayassar magar KHayal-e-visal hi mein

    maze uDate hawas nikalti jo sath andaz-e-ram na hota

    Where else could union be obtained except in reverie

    in dreams desires I would sate, did she not coyly flee

    hua musalman main aur Dar se na dars-e-waiz ko sun ke 'momin'

    bani thi dozaKH bala se banti azab-e-hijr-e-sanam na hota

    Muslim Momin turned in fear , not on the priest's advice

    parting's pain I could not bear, of hell didn't care a trice


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