ai jazba-e-dil gar main chahun har chiz muqabil aa jae

ai jazba-e-dil gar main chahun har chiz muqabil aa jae
Behzad Lakhnavi
MORE BYBehzad Lakhnavi
ai jazba-e-dil gar maiñ chāhūñ har chiiz muqābil aa jaa.e
manzil ke liye do gaam chalūñ aur sāmne manzil aa jaa.e
Mine heart's resolve if I so wish, all will be so nigh and clear
I take two steps toward my goal, and straight ahead it would appear
ai dil kī lagī chal yūñhī sahī chaltā to huuñ un kī mahfil meñ
us vaqt mujhe chauñkā denā jab rañg pe mahfil aa jaa.e
O heartache, come,I do agree, to go and join her company
there rouse me from my reverie, when it befits the atmosphere
ai rahbar-e-kāmil chalne ko tayyār to huuñ par yaad rahe
us vaqt mujhe bhaTkā denā jab sāmne manzil aa jaa.e
I'm set to venture forth mine guide, but by this you must abide
from the path turn me aside, when the journey's end is near
haañ yaad mujhe tum kar lenā āvāz mujhe tum de lenā
is rāh-e-mohabbat meñ koī darpesh jo mushkil aa jaa.e
yes, you may think of me and be, at liberty, call out for me
if in these paths of love you see anything that makes you fear
ab kyuuñ DhūñDūñ vo chashm-e-karam hone de sitam bālā-e-sitam
maiñ chāhtā huuñ ai jazba-e-ġham mushkil pas-e-mushkil aa jaa.e
why should I seek her kindness say, let her tortures pile away
O grief for what I now do pray, is troubles even more severe
is jazba-e-dil ke baare meñ ik mashvara tum se letā huuñ
us vaqt mujhe kyā lāzim hai jab tujh pe mirā dil aa jaa.e
This counsel I do seek from you, about my inner feelings true
What is it that I should do, when I am smitten by you dear
ai barq-e-tajallī kauñdh zarā kyā mujh ko bhī muusā samjhā hai
maiñ tuur nahīñ jo jal jā.ūñ jo chāhe muqābil aa jaa.e
O brilliant lightning tell me do you think me to be Moses too
no matter what it may come to, I am not Tuur to burn or sear
kashtī ko ḳhudā par chhoḌ bhī de kashtī kā ḳhudā ḳhud hāfiz hai
mushkil to nahīñ in maujoñ meñ bahtā huā sāhil aa jaa.e
Do leave the vessel to the Lord, as of the vessel he's the guard
For in these waves it is not hard, that floating the shore may appear
ai jazba-e-dil gar main chahun har chiz muqabil aa jae
manzil ke liye do gam chalun aur samne manzil aa jae
Mine heart's resolve if I so wish, all will be so nigh and clear
I take two steps toward my goal, and straight ahead it would appear
ai dil ki lagi chal yunhi sahi chalta to hun un ki mahfil mein
us waqt mujhe chaunka dena jab rang pe mahfil aa jae
O heartache, come,I do agree, to go and join her company
there rouse me from my reverie, when it befits the atmosphere
ai rahbar-e-kaamil chalne ko tayyar to hun par yaad rahe
us waqt mujhe bhaTka dena jab samne manzil aa jae
I'm set to venture forth mine guide, but by this you must abide
from the path turn me aside, when the journey's end is near
han yaad mujhe tum kar lena aawaz mujhe tum de lena
is rah-e-mohabbat mein koi darpesh jo mushkil aa jae
yes, you may think of me and be, at liberty, call out for me
if in these paths of love you see anything that makes you fear
ab kyun DhunDun wo chashm-e-karam hone de sitam baala-e-sitam
main chahta hun ai jazba-e-gham mushkil pas-e-mushkil aa jae
why should I seek her kindness say, let her tortures pile away
O grief for what I now do pray, is troubles even more severe
is jazba-e-dil ke bare mein ek mashwara tum se leta hun
us waqt mujhe kya lazim hai jab tujh pe mera dil aa jae
This counsel I do seek from you, about my inner feelings true
What is it that I should do, when I am smitten by you dear
ai barq-e-tajalli kaundh zara kya mujh ko bhi musa samjha hai
main tur nahin jo jal jaun jo chahe muqabil aa jae
O brilliant lightning tell me do you think me to be Moses too
no matter what it may come to, I am not Tuur to burn or sear
kashti ko KHuda par chhoD bhi de kashti ka KHuda KHud hafiz hai
mushkil to nahin in maujon mein bahta hua sahil aa jae
Do leave the vessel to the Lord, as of the vessel he's the guard
For in these waves it is not hard, that floating the shore may appear
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