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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


dafn jab KHak mein hum soKHta-saman honge

Momin Khan Momin

dafn jab KHak mein hum soKHta-saman honge

Momin Khan Momin

dafn jab ḳhaak meñ ham soḳhta-sāmāñ hoñge

fils maahī ke gul-e-sham-e-shabistāñ hoñge



nāvak-andāz jidhar dīda-e-jānāñ hoñge

nīm-bismil ka.ī hoñge ka.ī be-jāñ hoñge

where the arrow glances of my dearest shall be shed

many will lie partly-wounded, many will be dead

tāb-e-nazzāra nahīñ aa.ina kyā dekhne duuñ

aur ban jā.eñge tasvīr jo hairāñ hoñge

how can I let her see the mirror, she lacks strength to see

a picture she'll herself become, stunned by the imagery

kahāñ jā.egī kuchh apnā Thikānā kar le

ham to kal ḳhvāb-e-adam meñ shab-e-hijrāñ hoñge

where will you go I worry, do find a place to stay

O lonely night tomorrow, death will take me away

nāsehā dil meñ itnā to samajh apne ki ham

laakh nādāñ hue kyā tujh se bhī nādāñ hoñge

in your heart O preacher you must know this is true

extremely foolish I may be, but not as much as you

kar ke zaḳhmī mujhe nādim hoñ ye mumkin nahīñ

gar vo hoñge bhī to be-vaqt pashemāñ hoñge

Impossible, that after wounding you she would repent

it will be at the wrong time if she's ever penitent

ek ham haiñ ki hue aise pashemān ki bas

ek vo haiñ ki jinheñ chaah ke armāñ hoñge

I am one who has been so ashamed in love, I dread

for them who harbour hope for paths of love to tread

ham nikāleñge sun ai mauj-e-havā bal terā

us zulfoñ ke agar baal pareshāñ hoñge

O breeze I'll take the wind away from your sails I dare

if you perturb a single strand of my beloved's hair

sabr rab mirī vahshat paḌegā ki nahīñ

chāra-farmā bhī kabhī qaidi-e-zindāñ hoñge



minnat-e-hazrat-e-īsā na uThā.eñge kabhī

zindagī ke liye sharminda-e-ehsāñ hoñge

To the messiah Jesus, know, I will never plead

as for this favour, all my life, I'll be shamed indeed

tere dil-tafta turbat pe adū jhūTā hai

gul na hoñge sharar-e-ātash-e-sozāñ hoñge

at your scorched-heart lover's grave, lies has my rival fed

flowers,he would not have placed, but fiery shoals instead

ġhaur se dekhte haiñ tauf ko āhu-e-haram

kyā kaheñ us ke sag-e-kūcha ke qurbāñ hoñge



dāġh-e-dil nikleñge turbat se mirī juuñ laala

ye vo aḳhgar nahīñ jo ḳhaak meñ pinhāñ hoñge

bursting forth like tulips from my grave will scars be found

these are not those sparks that will lay hidden in the ground

chaak parde se ye ġhamze haiñ to ai parda-nashīñ

ek maiñ kyā ki sabhī chāk-e-garebāñ hoñge

if through the opening in the veil such glances will be sent

then what to say of mine alone each collar will be rent

phir bahār aa.ī vahī dasht-navardī hogī

phir vahī paañv vahī ḳhār-e-muġhīlāñ hoñge

now that spring again returns I'll roam the wilderness

these feet of mine those thirsting thorns will once again address

sañg aur haath vahī vo sar o dāġh-e-junūn

vo ham hoñge vahī dasht o bayābāñ hoñge

stones and hands will be the same, and same that craziness

I too will be the same and same the desert's wilderness

umr saarī to kaTī ishq-e-butāñ meñ 'momin'

āḳhirī vaqt meñ kyā ḳhaak musalmāñ hoñge

Momin all your life in idol worship you did spend

How can you be a Muslim say now towards the end?

dafn jab KHak mein hum soKHta-saman honge

fils mahi ke gul-e-sham-e-shabistan honge



nawak-andaz jidhar dida-e-jaanan honge

nim-bismil kai honge kai be-jaan honge

where the arrow glances of my dearest shall be shed

many will lie partly-wounded, many will be dead

tab-e-nazzara nahin aaina kya dekhne dun

aur ban jaenge taswir jo hairan honge

how can I let her see the mirror, she lacks strength to see

a picture she'll herself become, stunned by the imagery

tu kahan jaegi kuchh apna Thikana kar le

hum to kal KHwab-e-adam mein shab-e-hijran honge

where will you go I worry, do find a place to stay

O lonely night tomorrow, death will take me away

naseha dil mein tu itna to samajh apne ki hum

lakh nadan hue kya tujh se bhi nadan honge

in your heart O preacher you must know this is true

extremely foolish I may be, but not as much as you

kar ke zaKHmi mujhe nadim hon ye mumkin hi nahin

gar wo honge bhi to be-waqt pasheman honge

Impossible, that after wounding you she would repent

it will be at the wrong time if she's ever penitent

ek hum hain ki hue aise pasheman ki bas

ek wo hain ki jinhen chah ke arman honge

I am one who has been so ashamed in love, I dread

for them who harbour hope for paths of love to tread

hum nikalenge sun ai mauj-e-hawa bal tera

us ki zulfon ke agar baal pareshan honge

O breeze I'll take the wind away from your sails I dare

if you perturb a single strand of my beloved's hair

sabr ya rab meri wahshat ka paDega ki nahin

chaara-farma bhi kabhi qaidi-e-zindan honge



minnat-e-hazrat-e-isa na uThaenge kabhi

zindagi ke liye sharminda-e-ehsan honge

To the messiah Jesus, know, I will never plead

as for this favour, all my life, I'll be shamed indeed

tere dil-tafta ki turbat pe adu jhuTa hai

gul na honge sharar-e-atash-e-sozan honge

at your scorched-heart lover's grave, lies has my rival fed

flowers,he would not have placed, but fiery shoals instead

ghaur se dekhte hain tauf ko aahu-e-haram

kya kahen us ke sag-e-kucha ke qurban honge



dagh-e-dil niklenge turbat se meri jun lala

ye wo aKHgar nahin jo KHak mein pinhan honge

bursting forth like tulips from my grave will scars be found

these are not those sparks that will lay hidden in the ground

chaak parde se ye ghamze hain to ai parda-nashin

ek main kya ki sabhi chaak-e-gareban honge

if through the opening in the veil such glances will be sent

then what to say of mine alone each collar will be rent

phir bahaar aai wahi dasht-nawardi hogi

phir wahi panw wahi KHar-e-mughilan honge

now that spring again returns I'll roam the wilderness

these feet of mine those thirsting thorns will once again address

sang aur hath wahi wo hi sar o dagh-e-junun

wo hi hum honge wahi dasht o bayaban honge

stones and hands will be the same, and same that craziness

I too will be the same and same the desert's wilderness

umr sari to kaTi ishq-e-butan mein 'momin'

aaKHiri waqt mein kya KHak musalman honge

Momin all your life in idol worship you did spend

How can you be a Muslim say now towards the end?

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Mehdi Hasan

Mehdi Hasan

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