ghusse ko jaane dije na tyori chaDhaiye

ghusse ko jaane dije na tyori chaDhaiye
Mushafi Ghulam Hamdani
MORE BYMushafi Ghulam Hamdani
ġhusse ko jaane diije na tyorī chaḌhā.iye
maiñ gāliyāñ bhī aap kī khā.īñ ab aa.iye
let go of your anger pray, do not raise your brow
I've endured your curses too, so come to me now
raftār kā jo fitna uThā thā so ho chukā
ab baiThe baiThe aur koī fitna uThā.iye
mischief that your manner raised, has come to a pause
sitting still, some other havoc, you should try to cause
merā to kyā dahan hai jo bose kā luuñ maiñ naam
gaalī bhī mujh ko diije to goyā jalā.iye
where do I possess a mouth, your kiss to expect?
even if you call me names, then I shall resurrect
bolā kisī se maiñ bhī to kyā kuchh ġhazab huā
itnī sī baat kā na batañgaḌ banā.iye
even if I told someone, was it out of form?
for such a minor matter, do not raise a storm
aisā na ho ki jaa.e shitābī se dam nikal
chāk-e-jigar se pahle mirā muñh silā.iye
hope it happens not, in haste, that my breath depart
let my mouth be sewn before, the tear that's in my heart
rakkhā jo ik shahīd kī turbat pe us ne paañv
aa.ī sadā ye vaañ se ki dāman uThā.iye
when upon a martyr's grave, she went to plant her feet
from within a plea arose / raise your hemline's pleat
bikte haiñ tere naam se ham ai kamand-e-zulf
tujh ko bhī chhoḌ dījiye to kis ke kahā.iye
O one with lasso tresses, I'm traded by your name
if I gave you up, as well, what brand would I claim?
us kī galī na maktab-e-tiflāñ hai 'mus.hafī'
tā chand jā.iye sahar aur shaam aa.iye
'mus.hafi', her street is not / a school where children learn
that every morn you venture there, and each dusk return
ghusse ko jaane dije na tyori chaDhaiye
main galiyan bhi aap ki khain ab aaiye
let go of your anger pray, do not raise your brow
I've endured your curses too, so come to me now
raftar ka jo fitna uTha tha so ho chuka
ab baiThe baiThe aur koi fitna uThaiye
mischief that your manner raised, has come to a pause
sitting still, some other havoc, you should try to cause
mera to kya dahan hai jo bose ka lun main nam
gali bhi mujh ko dije to goya jalaiye
where do I possess a mouth, your kiss to expect?
even if you call me names, then I shall resurrect
bola kisi se main bhi to kya kuchh ghazab hua
itni si baat ka na batangaD banaiye
even if I told someone, was it out of form?
for such a minor matter, do not raise a storm
aisa na ho ki jae shitabi se dam nikal
chaak-e-jigar se pahle mera munh silaiye
hope it happens not, in haste, that my breath depart
let my mouth be sewn before, the tear that's in my heart
rakkha jo ek shahid ki turbat pe us ne panw
aai sada ye wan se ki daman uThaiye
when upon a martyr's grave, she went to plant her feet
from within a plea arose / raise your hemline's pleat
bikte hain tere nam se hum ai kamand-e-zulf
tujh ko bhi chhoD dijiye to kis ke kahaiye
O one with lasso tresses, I'm traded by your name
if I gave you up, as well, what brand would I claim?
us ki gali na maktab-e-tiflan hai 'mushafi'
ta chand jaiye sahar aur sham aaiye
'mus.hafi', her street is not / a school where children learn
that every morn you venture there, and each dusk return
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