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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


nalon ki kashakash sah na saka KHud tar-e-nafas bhi TuT gaya

Shad Azimabadi

nalon ki kashakash sah na saka KHud tar-e-nafas bhi TuT gaya

Shad Azimabadi

nāloñ kashākash sah na sakā ḳhud tār-e-nafas bhī TuuT gayā

ik umr se thī taklīf jise kal shab ko vo qaidī chhūT gayā

thī terī tamannā kāhish-e-jāñ is dard se meñ dīvāna thā

chhālā thā dil apne siine meñ ai vā-asfā vo phuuT gayā

sab apnī apnī dhun meñ phañse terā to na niklā kaam koī

jo aayā tire darvāze par vo apnā māthā kuuT gayā

tābūt pe mere aa.e jo miTTī meñ milāyā yuuñ kah kar

phailā diye dast-o-pā apne itne meñ bas chhūT gayā

aayā thā yahī dil meñ mere rindoñ pe kalī bhī pheñkūñ

saaqī ishāra paate meñ zahr-e-sitam ko ghuuT gayā

ho hindū-e-ḳhāl-e-lab terā tark-e-nigah ho ai qātil

dehlī thā hamārā dil shāyad jo aayā vo us ko luuT gayā

nāzuk thā bahut kuchh dil merā ai 'shād' tahammul ho na sakā

ik Thes lagī thī yuuñ kiyā jald ye shīsha TuuT gayā

nalon ki kashakash sah na saka KHud tar-e-nafas bhi TuT gaya

ek umr se thi taklif jise kal shab ko wo qaidi chhuT gaya

thi teri tamanna kahish-e-jaan is dard se mein diwana tha

chhaala tha dil apne sine mein ai wa-asfa wo phuT gaya

sab apni hi apni dhun mein phanse tera to na nikla kaam koi

jo aaya tere darwaze par wo apna hi matha kuT gaya

tabut pe mere aae jo miTTi mein milaya yun kah kar

phaila diye dast-o-pa apne itne hi mein bas ji chhuT gaya

aaya tha yahi dil mein mere rindon hi pe kali bhi phenkun

saqi ka ishaara pate hi mein zahr-e-sitam ko ghuT gaya

ho hindu-e-KHal-e-lab tera ya tark-e-nigah ho ai qatil

dehli tha hamara dil shayad jo aaya wo us ko luT gaya

nazuk tha bahut kuchh dil mera ai 'shad' tahammul ho na saka

ek Thes lagi thi yun hi si kiya jald ye shisha TuT gaya

Source :
  • Book : Dewan-e-shad Azimabadi (Pg. 30)
  • Author : Shad Azimabadi
  • Publication : Educational Publishing House (2005)
  • Edition : 2005

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