saron pe bijli giri tar thartharane lage

saron pe bijli giri tar thartharane lage
Syed Zamin Abbas Kazmi
MORE BYSyed Zamin Abbas Kazmi
saroñ pe bijlī girī taar thartharāne lage
magar ye giit na.ī nasl ko suhāne lage
ham apne sard savāloñ pe zard haiñ aur aap
javāb ban nahīñ paayā to muskurāne lage
bhalā ho vaqt kā vo rāsta bhaTak ga.ī thī
madad ke rāste ham rāsta banāne lage
vo jis ko aap ne nāyāb panting kahā hai
mujhe to pāñch chhe rañgoñ ke chaar ḳhāne lage
tirī nazar ke badalne se vaqt yuuñ badlā
mire hī faisle mere ḳhilāf jaane lage
saron pe bijli giri tar thartharane lage
magar ye git nai nasl ko suhane lage
hum apne sard sawalon pe zard hain aur aap
jawab ban nahin paya to muskurane lage
bhala ho waqt ka wo rasta bhaTak gai thi
madad ke raste hum rasta banane lage
wo jis ko aap ne nayab panting kaha hai
mujhe to panch chhe rangon ke chaar KHane lage
teri nazar ke badalne se waqt yun badla
mere hi faisle mere KHilaf jaane lage
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