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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


ai sham mehrban ho

Faiz Ahmad Faiz

ai sham mehrban ho

Faiz Ahmad Faiz

MORE BYFaiz Ahmad Faiz

    ai shaam mehrbāñ ho

    ai shām-e-shahryārāñ

    ham pe bhī mehrbāñ ho

    dozaḳhī dopahar sitam

    be-sabab sitam

    dopahar dard-o-ġhaiz-o-ġham

    be-zabāñ dard-o-ġhaiz-o-ġham

    is dozaḳhī dopahar ke tāziyāne

    aaj tan par dhanak sūrat

    qaus-dar-qaus baT ga.e haiñ

    zaḳhm sab khul ga.e haiñ

    daaġh jaanā thā chhaT ga.e haiñ

    tire toshe meñ kuchh to hogā

    marham-e-dard do-shāla

    tan ke us añg par uḌhā de

    dard sab se sivā jahāñ ho

    ai shaam mehrbāñ ho

    ai shām-e-shaharyārāñ

    ham pe mehrbāñ ho

    Evening, Be Gracious

    dozaḳhī dasht nafratoñ ke

    bedard nafratoñ ke

    kirchiyāñ dīda-e-hasad

    ḳhas-o-ḳhāshāk ranjishoñ ke

    itnī sunsān shāhrāheñ

    itnī gunjān qatl-gāheñ

    jin se aa.e haiñ ham guzar kar

    aabla ban ke har qadam par

    yuuñ paañv kaT ga.e haiñ

    raste simaT ga.e haiñ

    maḳhmaleñ apne bādaloñ

    aaj pāñv-tale bichhā de

    shāfi-e-karb-e-rah-ravāñ ho

    ai shaam mehrbāñ ho

    ai mah-e-shab-e-nigārāñ

    ai rafīq-e-dil-figārāñ

    is shaam ham-zabāñ ho

    ai shaam mehrbāñ ho

    ai shaam mehrbāñ ho

    ai shām-e-shaharyārāñ

    ham pe mehrbāñ ho

    O evening, be gracious—

    O evening of the city of friends

    be gracious to me.

    The hellish noon of oppression,

    senseless cruelties,

    the noon of pain, rage and sorrow,

    inarticulate pain, rage and sorrow,

    the whiplashes of this demonic noon—

    are all, like the rainbow, branded no my body

    arc within arc.

    ai sham mehrban ho

    ai sham-e-shahryaran

    hum pe bhi mehrban ho

    dozaKHi dopahar sitam ki

    be-sabab sitam ki

    dopahar dard-o-ghaiz-o-gham ki

    be-zaban dard-o-ghaiz-o-gham ki

    is dozaKHi dopahar ke taziyane

    aaj tan par dhanak ki surat

    qaus-dar-qaus baT gae hain

    zaKHm sab khul gae hain

    dagh jaana tha chhaT gae hain

    tere toshe mein kuchh to hoga

    marham-e-dard ka do-shaala

    tan ke us ang par uDha de

    dard sab se siwa jahan ho

    ai sham mehrban ho

    ai sham-e-shaharyaran

    hum pe mehrban ho

    Evening, Be Gracious

    dozaKHi dasht nafraton ke

    bedard nafraton ke

    kirchiyan dida-e-hasad ki

    KHas-o-KHashak ranjishon ke

    itni sunsan shahrahen

    itni gunjaan qatl-gahen

    jin se aae hain hum guzar kar

    aabla ban ke har qadam par

    yun panw kaT gae hain

    raste simaT gae hain

    maKHmalen apne baadalon ki

    aaj panw-tale bichha de

    shafi-e-karb-e-rah-rawan ho

    ai sham mehrban ho

    ai mah-e-shab-e-nigaran

    ai rafiq-e-dil-figaran

    is sham ham-zaban ho

    ai sham mehrban ho

    ai sham mehrban ho

    ai sham-e-shaharyaran

    hum pe mehrban ho

    O evening, be gracious—

    O evening of the city of friends

    be gracious to me.

    The hellish noon of oppression,

    senseless cruelties,

    the noon of pain, rage and sorrow,

    inarticulate pain, rage and sorrow,

    the whiplashes of this demonic noon—

    are all, like the rainbow, branded no my body

    arc within arc.

    Source :
    • Book : Nuskha Hai Wafa (Pg. 528)

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