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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


mera safar

Translation Available By: Richard J. Cohen

Ali Sardar Jafri

Ali Sardar Jafri

mera safar

Ali Sardar Jafri

MORE BYAli Sardar Jafri

    ham-chū sabza bār-hā roīda-em


    My Voyage

    phir ik din aisā aa.egā

    āñkhoñ ke diye bujh jā.eñge

    hāthoñ ke kañval kumhlā.eñge

    aur barg-e-zabāñ se nutq o sadā

    har titlī uḌ jā.egī

    ik kaale samundar tah meñ

    kaliyoñ tarah se khiltī huī

    phūloñ tarah se hañstī huī

    saarī shakleñ kho jā.eñgī

    ḳhuuñ gardish dil dhaḌkan

    sab rāgniyāñ so jā.eñgī

    aur niilī fazā maḳhmal par

    hañstī huī hiire ye kanī

    ye merī jannat merī zamīñ

    is sub.heñ is shāmeñ

    be-jāne hue be-samjhe hue

    ik musht-e-ġhubār-e-insāñ par

    shabnam tarah ro jā.eñgī

    har chiiz bhulā jā.egī

    yādoñ ke hasīñ but-ḳhāne se

    har chiiz uThā jā.egī

    phir koī nahīñ ye pūchhegā

    'sardār' kahāñ hai mahfil meñ

    ‘Like grass, I've sprouted again and again.'


    One such day will come again

    When stars in eyes are extinguished

    When lotuses in hands are wilted

    And from tongue's leaf

    The butterfly of sound ’n speech will fly away.

    In the depths of a dark ocean

    Blooming like buds

    Laughing like flowers

    All faces will disappear.

    Blood flow, heart beat

    All melodies will go to sleep

    And on the velvet blue air

    This twinkling diamond sliver

    My earth, my paradise

    Its mornings, its evenings

    Without knowing, without understanding

    Will weep, dew-like

    On a fistful of dust that is man.

    All things will be forgotten

    From the beautiful temple of memories

    All things will be removed

    Then no one will ever ask

    Where has Sardar gone?

    But I'll come here again

    I'll speak through children's mouths

    I'll sing in songs of birds

    When seeds will smile in the earth

    And tips of shoots

    Will tease layers of soil

    In every leaf, in every bud

    I'll open my eyes.

    On my green palms

    I'll collect drops of dew

    Like colour of henna, the rhythm of the ghazal

    I'll become the manner of speech

    Like the face of a new bride

    I'll shine through every veil.

    When wintry breezes bring

    Autumn season to our valley

    Beneath the feet of young travellers

    In the crunching of dried leaves

    Echoes of my laughter will float.

    All golden streams of earth

    All the blue lakes of sky

    Will be filled with my being

    And the whole world will see

    That every story is my story

    Every lover here is Sardar

    And every beloved is Sultana.

    I am a fleeting moment

    In the magic house of time

    I'm a restive water-bead

    Forever busy travelling

    From the heart of past's wine jug

    To the goblet of the future

    I sleep, I wake

    And slumber once again

    For centuries I'm in play

    Death makes me immortal.

    lekin maiñ yahāñ phir ā.ūñgā

    bachchoñ ke dahan se bolūñgā

    chiḌiyoñ zabāñ se gā.uñgā

    jab biij hañseñge dhartī meñ

    aur koñpleñ apnī uñglī se

    miTTī tahoñ ko chheḌeñgī

    maiñ pattī pattī kalī kalī

    apnī āñkheñ phir kholūñgā

    sarsabz hathelī par le kar

    shabnam ke qatre taulūñgā

    maiñ rang-e-hinā āhañg-e-ġhazal

    andāz-e-suḳhan ban jā.ūñgā

    ruḳhsār-e-urūs-e-nau tarah

    har āñchal se chhan jā.ūñgā

    jāḌoñ havā.eñ dāman meñ

    jab fasl-e-ḳhizāñ ko lā.eñgī

    rah-rau ke javāñ qadmoñ ke tale

    sūkhe hue pattoñ se mere

    hañsne sadā.eñ ā.eñgī

    dhartī sunahrī sab nadiyāñ

    ākāsh niilī sab jhīleñ

    hastī se mirī bhar jā.eñgī

    aur saarā zamāna dekhegā

    har qissa mirā afsāna hai

    har āshiq hai 'sardār' yahāñ

    har māshūqa 'sultānā' hai

    maiñ ek gurezāñ lamha huuñ

    ayyām ke afsūñ-ḳhāne meñ

    maiñ ek taḌaptā qatra huuñ

    masrūf-e-safar jo rahtā hai

    maazī surāhī ke dil se

    mustaqbil ke paimāne meñ

    maiñ sotā huuñ aur jāgtā huuñ

    aur jaag ke phir so jaatā huuñ

    sadiyoñ purānā khel huuñ maiñ

    maiñ mar ke amar ho jaatā huuñ

    ham-chu sabza bar-ha roida-em


    My Voyage

    phir ek din aisa aaega

    aankhon ke diye bujh jaenge

    hathon ke kanwal kumhlaenge

    aur barg-e-zaban se nutq o sada

    ki har titli uD jaegi

    ek kale samundar ki tah mein

    kaliyon ki tarah se khilti hui

    phulon ki tarah se hansti hui

    sari shaklen kho jaengi

    KHun ki gardish dil ki dhaDkan

    sab ragniyan so jaengi

    aur nili faza ki maKHmal par

    hansti hui hire ki ye kani

    ye meri jannat meri zamin

    is ki subhen is ki shamen

    be-jaane hue be-samjhe hue

    ek musht-e-ghubar-e-insan par

    shabnam ki tarah ro jaengi

    har chiz bhula di jaegi

    yaadon ke hasin but-KHane se

    har chiz uTha di jaegi

    phir koi nahin ye puchhega

    'sardar' kahan hai mahfil mein

    ‘Like grass, I've sprouted again and again.'


    One such day will come again

    When stars in eyes are extinguished

    When lotuses in hands are wilted

    And from tongue's leaf

    The butterfly of sound ’n speech will fly away.

    In the depths of a dark ocean

    Blooming like buds

    Laughing like flowers

    All faces will disappear.

    Blood flow, heart beat

    All melodies will go to sleep

    And on the velvet blue air

    This twinkling diamond sliver

    My earth, my paradise

    Its mornings, its evenings

    Without knowing, without understanding

    Will weep, dew-like

    On a fistful of dust that is man.

    All things will be forgotten

    From the beautiful temple of memories

    All things will be removed

    Then no one will ever ask

    Where has Sardar gone?

    But I'll come here again

    I'll speak through children's mouths

    I'll sing in songs of birds

    When seeds will smile in the earth

    And tips of shoots

    Will tease layers of soil

    In every leaf, in every bud

    I'll open my eyes.

    On my green palms

    I'll collect drops of dew

    Like colour of henna, the rhythm of the ghazal

    I'll become the manner of speech

    Like the face of a new bride

    I'll shine through every veil.

    When wintry breezes bring

    Autumn season to our valley

    Beneath the feet of young travellers

    In the crunching of dried leaves

    Echoes of my laughter will float.

    All golden streams of earth

    All the blue lakes of sky

    Will be filled with my being

    And the whole world will see

    That every story is my story

    Every lover here is Sardar

    And every beloved is Sultana.

    I am a fleeting moment

    In the magic house of time

    I'm a restive water-bead

    Forever busy travelling

    From the heart of past's wine jug

    To the goblet of the future

    I sleep, I wake

    And slumber once again

    For centuries I'm in play

    Death makes me immortal.

    lekin main yahan phir aaunga

    bachchon ke dahan se bolunga

    chiDiyon ki zaban se gaunga

    jab bij hansenge dharti mein

    aur konplen apni ungli se

    miTTi ki tahon ko chheDengi

    main patti patti kali kali

    apni aankhen phir kholunga

    sarsabz hatheli par le kar

    shabnam ke qatre taulunga

    main rang-e-hina aahang-e-ghazal

    andaz-e-suKHan ban jaunga

    ruKHsar-e-urus-e-nau ki tarah

    har aanchal se chhan jaunga

    jaDon ki hawaen daman mein

    jab fasl-e-KHizan ko laengi

    rah-rau ke jawan qadmon ke tale

    sukhe hue patton se mere

    hansne ki sadaen aaengi

    dharti ki sunahri sab nadiyan

    aakash ki nili sab jhilen

    hasti se meri bhar jaengi

    aur sara zamana dekhega

    har qissa mera afsana hai

    har aashiq hai 'sardar' yahan

    har mashuqa 'sultana' hai

    main ek gurezan lamha hun

    ayyam ke afsun-KHane mein

    main ek taDapta qatra hun

    masruf-e-safar jo rahta hai

    mazi ki surahi ke dil se

    mustaqbil ke paimane mein

    main sota hun aur jagta hun

    aur jag ke phir so jata hun

    sadiyon ka purana khel hun main

    main mar ke amar ho jata hun

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    This video is playing from YouTube

    Ali Sardar Jafri

    Ali Sardar Jafri


    Ali Sardar Jafri

    Ali Sardar Jafri,

    Nomaan Shauque

    Nomaan Shauque,

    Ali Sardar Jafri

    mera safar Ali Sardar Jafri

    Nomaan Shauque

    mera safar Nomaan Shauque

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