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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere



Translation Available By: Shamsur Rahman Faruqi

Majeed Amjad

Majeed Amjad


Majeed Amjad

MORE BYMajeed Amjad

    biis baras se khaḌe the jo is gaatī nahr ke dvaar

    jhūmte khetoñ sarhad par bāñke pahre-dār

    ghane suhāne chhāñv chhiḌakte bor lade chhatnār

    biis hazār meñ bik ga.e saare hare bhare ashjār

    Urban Expansion

    jin saañs har jhoñkā thā ek ajiib tilism

    qātil teshe chiir ga.e un sāvantoñ ke jism

    They who have stood at the gate of this singing stream for twenty years

    Elegant sentinels at the borders of rolling fields

    Agreeably dark, shade-sprinkling, fruit laden, tall

    For twenty thousand were sold away all the verdurous trees

    They whose every gusty breath was strange magic

    Murderous axes came and split the bodies of those heroes

    Down with a thud fell the blue wall of wounded trees

    Huge bodies being sawn, falling skeletons, leaf and fruit being cut away

    Heaps of dead bodies in the pale shroud of trembling sunlight

    Today standing beside the gate of this singing stream I think

    In this shambles my thought is the only flowering branch

    Now, O children of Adam, a mortal blow for me too.

    girī dhaḌām se ghāyal peḌoñ niilī dīvār

    kaTte haikal jhaḌte pinjar chhaTte barg-o-bār

    sahī dhuup ke zard kafan meñ lāshoñ ke ambār

    aaj khaḌā maiñ sochtā huuñ is gaatī nahr ke dvaar

    is maqtal meñ sirf ik merī soch lahaktī Daal

    mujh par bhī ab kaarī zarb ik ai aadam aal

    bis baras se khaDe the jo is gati nahr ke dwar

    jhumte kheton ki sarhad par banke pahre-dar

    ghane suhane chhanw chhiDakte bor lade chhatnar

    bis hazar mein bik gae sare hare bhare ashjar

    Urban Expansion

    jin ki sans ka har jhonka tha ek ajib tilism

    qatil teshe chir gae un sawanton ke jism

    They who have stood at the gate of this singing stream for twenty years

    Elegant sentinels at the borders of rolling fields

    Agreeably dark, shade-sprinkling, fruit laden, tall

    For twenty thousand were sold away all the verdurous trees

    They whose every gusty breath was strange magic

    Murderous axes came and split the bodies of those heroes

    Down with a thud fell the blue wall of wounded trees

    Huge bodies being sawn, falling skeletons, leaf and fruit being cut away

    Heaps of dead bodies in the pale shroud of trembling sunlight

    Today standing beside the gate of this singing stream I think

    In this shambles my thought is the only flowering branch

    Now, O children of Adam, a mortal blow for me too.

    giri dhaDam se ghayal peDon ki nili diwar

    kaTte haikal jhaDte pinjar chhaTte barg-o-bar

    sahi dhup ke zard kafan mein lashon ke ambar

    aaj khaDa main sochta hun is gati nahr ke dwar

    is maqtal mein sirf ek meri soch lahakti Dal

    mujh par bhi ab kari zarb ek ai aadam ki aal


    Nomaan Shauque

    Nomaan Shauque,

    Nomaan Shauque

    tausi-e-shahr Nomaan Shauque

    Source :
    • Book : Kulliyaat-e-majiid Amjad (Pg. 352)
    • Author : Majiid Amjad
    • Edition : 2011

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