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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


hum jo tarik rahon mein mare gae

Translation Available By: Agha Shahid Ali

Faiz Ahmad Faiz

Faiz Ahmad Faiz

hum jo tarik rahon mein mare gae

Faiz Ahmad Faiz

MORE BYFaiz Ahmad Faiz

    Interesting Fact

    (Written after being inspired by the letters exchanged by Julius and Ethel Rosenberg)

    tere hoñToñ ke phūloñ chāhat meñ ham

    daar ḳhushk Tahnī pe vaare ga.e

    tere hātoñ sham.oñ hasrat meñ ham

    nīm-tārīk rāhoñ meñ maare ga.e

    sūliyoñ par hamāre laboñ se pare

    tere hoñToñ laalī lapaktī rahī

    terī zulfoñ mastī barastī rahī

    tere hāthoñ chāñdī damaktī rahī

    jab ghulī terī rāhoñ meñ shām-e-sitam

    ham chale aa.e laa.e jahāñ tak qadam

    lab pe harf-e-ġhazal dil meñ qindīl-e-ġham

    apnā ġham thā gavāhī tire husn

    dekh qaa.em rahe is gavāhī pe ham

    ham jo tārīk rāhoñ pe maare ga.e

    nā-rasā.ī agar apnī taqdīr thī

    terī ulfat to apnī tadbīr thī

    kis ko shikva hai gar shauq ke silsile

    hijr qatl-gāhoñ se sab mile

    qatl-gāhoñ se chun kar hamāre alam

    aur nikleñge ushshāq ke qāfile

    jin rāh-e-talab se hamāre qadam

    muḳhtasar kar chale dard ke fāsle

    kar chale jin ḳhātir jahāñgīr ham

    jaañ gañvā kar tirī dilbarī bharam

    ham jo tārīk rāhoñ meñ maare ga.e

    We who were Executed

    I longed for your lips, dreamed of their roses:

    I was hanged from the dry branch of the scaffold.

    I wanted to touch your hands, their silver light:

    I was murdered in the half-light of dim lanes.

    And there where you were crucified,

    so far away from my words,

    you still were beautiful:

    color kept clinging to your lips

    rapture was still vivid in your hair-

    light remained silvering in your hands.

    When the night of cruelty merged with the roads you had taken,

    I came as far as my feet could bring me,

    on my lips the phrase of a song,

    my heart lit up only by sorrow.

    This sorrow was my testimony to your beauty-

    Look! I remained a witness till the end,

    I who was killed in the darkest lanes.

    It's true that not to reach you was fate

    but who'll deny that to love you

    was entirely in my hands?

    So why complain if these matters of desire

    brought me inevitably to the execution grounds?

    tere honTon ke phulon ki chahat mein hum

    dar ki KHushk Tahni pe ware gae

    tere haton ki shamon ki hasrat mein hum

    nim-tarik rahon mein mare gae

    suliyon par hamare labon se pare

    tere honTon ki lali lapakti rahi

    teri zulfon ki masti barasti rahi

    tere hathon ki chandi damakti rahi

    jab ghuli teri rahon mein sham-e-sitam

    hum chale aae lae jahan tak qadam

    lab pe harf-e-ghazal dil mein qindil-e-gham

    apna gham tha gawahi tere husn ki

    dekh qaem rahe is gawahi pe hum

    hum jo tarik rahon pe mare gae

    na-rasai agar apni taqdir thi

    teri ulfat to apni hi tadbir thi

    kis ko shikwa hai gar shauq ke silsile

    hijr ki qatl-gahon se sab ja mile

    qatl-gahon se chun kar hamare alam

    aur niklenge ushshaq ke qafile

    jin ki rah-e-talab se hamare qadam

    muKHtasar kar chale dard ke fasle

    kar chale jin ki KHatir jahangir hum

    jaan ganwa kar teri dilbari ka bharam

    hum jo tarik rahon mein mare gae

    We who were Executed

    I longed for your lips, dreamed of their roses:

    I was hanged from the dry branch of the scaffold.

    I wanted to touch your hands, their silver light:

    I was murdered in the half-light of dim lanes.

    And there where you were crucified,

    so far away from my words,

    you still were beautiful:

    color kept clinging to your lips

    rapture was still vivid in your hair-

    light remained silvering in your hands.

    When the night of cruelty merged with the roads you had taken,

    I came as far as my feet could bring me,

    on my lips the phrase of a song,

    my heart lit up only by sorrow.

    This sorrow was my testimony to your beauty-

    Look! I remained a witness till the end,

    I who was killed in the darkest lanes.

    It's true that not to reach you was fate

    but who'll deny that to love you

    was entirely in my hands?

    So why complain if these matters of desire

    brought me inevitably to the execution grounds?

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    Zia Mohyeddin

    Zia Mohyeddin

    Faiz Ahmad Faiz

    Faiz Ahmad Faiz


    Faiz Ahmad Faiz

    Faiz Ahmad Faiz,

    Faiz Ahmad Faiz

    hum jo tarik rahon mein mare gae Faiz Ahmad Faiz

    Source :
    • Book : Nuskha Hai Wafa (Pg. 266)

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