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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere



Translation Available By: Rakhshanda Jalil

Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal


Allama Iqbal

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    Interesting Fact

    To angels

    uTTho mirī duniyā ke ġharīboñ ko jagā do

    kāḳh-e-umrā ke dar o dīvār hilā do

    garmāo ġhulāmoñ lahū soz-e-yaqīñ se

    kunjishk-e-faromāya ko shāhīñ se laḌā do

    sulatāni-e-jamhūr aatā hai zamāna

    jo naqsh-e-kuhan tum ko nazar aa.e miTā do

    jis khet se dahqāñ ko mayassar nahīñ rozī

    us khet ke har ḳhosha-e-gandum ko jalā do

    kyuuñ ḳhāliq o maḳhlūq meñ raheñ parde

    pīrān-e-kalīsā ko kalīsā se uThā do

    haq ba-sajūde sanamāñ ba-tavāfe

    behtar hai charāġh-e-haram-o-dair bujhā do

    maiñ nā-ḳhush o be-zār huuñ marmar siloñ se

    mere liye miTTī haram aur banā do

    tahzīb-e-navī kārgah-e-shīshagarāñ hai

    ādāb-e-junūñ shā.ir-e-mashriq ko sikhā do

    Heavenly Ordinance

    Rise and get the poor of my world ready for battle

    Shake the mansions of the rich, till their doors and walls rattle.

    With conviction of victory the blood of the poor ignite

    Get the timid sparrow to take on the falcon in a fight.

    Comes a time for the masses to rule for sure

    Rub out what is now too old and obscure,

    Land that does not yield enough for the tiller to eat

    Burn every inch of that field, set fire to every stalk of wheat.

    Why these curtains between the Sustainer and those that he sustains?

    Throw out those old godmen from the house of God; let not

    one remain!

    uTTho meri duniya ke gharibon ko jaga do

    kaKH-e-umra ke dar o diwar hila do

    garmao ghulamon ka lahu soz-e-yaqin se

    kunjishk-e-faromaya ko shahin se laDa do

    sulatani-e-jamhur ka aata hai zamana

    jo naqsh-e-kuhan tum ko nazar aae miTa do

    jis khet se dahqan ko mayassar nahin rozi

    us khet ke har KHosha-e-gandum ko jala do

    kyun KHaliq o maKHluq mein hail rahen parde

    piran-e-kalisa ko kalisa se uTha do

    haq ra ba-sajude sanaman ra ba-tawafe

    behtar hai charagh-e-haram-o-dair bujha do

    main na-KHush o be-zar hun marmar ki silon se

    mere liye miTTi ka haram aur bana do

    tahzib-e-nawi kargah-e-shishagaran hai

    aadab-e-junun shair-e-mashriq ko sikha do

    Heavenly Ordinance

    Rise and get the poor of my world ready for battle

    Shake the mansions of the rich, till their doors and walls rattle.

    With conviction of victory the blood of the poor ignite

    Get the timid sparrow to take on the falcon in a fight.

    Comes a time for the masses to rule for sure

    Rub out what is now too old and obscure,

    Land that does not yield enough for the tiller to eat

    Burn every inch of that field, set fire to every stalk of wheat.

    Why these curtains between the Sustainer and those that he sustains?

    Throw out those old godmen from the house of God; let not

    one remain!


    Nomaan Shauque

    Nomaan Shauque,

    Nomaan Shauque

    farman-e-KHuda Nomaan Shauque

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