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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere



Faiz Ahmad Faiz


Faiz Ahmad Faiz

MORE BYFaiz Ahmad Faiz

    aao ki marg-e-soz-e-mohabbat manā.eñ ham

    aao ki husn-e-māh se dil ko jalā.eñ ham

    ḳhush huuñ firāq-e-qāmat-o-ruḳhsār-e-yār se

    sarv-o-gul-o-saman se nazar ko satā.eñ ham

    vīrānī-e-hayāt ko vīrān-tar kareñ

    le nāseh aaj terā kahā maan jaa.eñ ham

    phir oT le ke dāman-e-abr-e-bahār

    dil ko manā.eñ ham kabhī aañsū bahā.eñ ham

    suljhā.eñ be-dilī se ye uljhe hue savāl

    vaañ jaa.eñ na jaa.eñ na jaa.eñ ki jaa.eñ ham

    phir dil ko pās-e-zabt talqīn kar chukeñ

    aur imtihān-e-zabt se phir churā.īñ ham

    aao ki aaj ḳhatm huī dāstān-e-ishq

    ab ḳhatm-e-āshiqī ke fasāne sunā.eñ ham

    aao ki marg-e-soz-e-mohabbat manaen hum

    aao ki husn-e-mah se dil ko jalaen hum

    KHush hun firaq-e-qamat-o-ruKHsar-e-yar se

    sarw-o-gul-o-saman se nazar ko sataen hum

    virani-e-hayat ko viran-tar karen

    le naseh aaj tera kaha man jaen hum

    phir oT le ke daman-e-abr-e-bahaar ki

    dil ko manaen hum kabhi aansu bahaen hum

    suljhaen be-dili se ye uljhe hue sawal

    wan jaen ya na jaen na jaen ki jaen hum

    phir dil ko pas-e-zabt ki talqin kar chuken

    aur imtihan-e-zabt se phir ji churain hum

    aao ki aaj KHatm hui dastan-e-ishq

    ab KHatm-e-ashiqi ke fasane sunaen hum

    Source :
    • Book : Nuskha Hai Wafa (Kulliyat-e-Faiz) (Pg. 69)
    • Publication : Educational Publishing House (2009)
    • Edition : 2009

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