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aaj ik aur baras biit gayā us ke baġhair

jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere


ramaen ka ek sin

Translation Available By: Mehr Afshan Farooqi

Chakbast Braj Narayan

Chakbast Braj Narayan

ramaen ka ek sin

Chakbast Braj Narayan

MORE BYChakbast Braj Narayan

    ruḳhsat huā vo baap se le kar ḳhudā naam

    rāh-e-vafā manzil-e-avval huī tamām

    manzūr thā jo maañ ziyārat intizām

    dāman se ashk poñchh ke dil se kiyā kalām

    iz.hār-e-be-kasī se sitam hogā aur bhī

    dekhā hameñ udaas to ġham hogā aur bhī

    dil ko sambhāltā huā āḳhir vo naunihāl

    ḳhāmosh maañ ke paas gayā sūrat-e-ḳhayāl

    dekhā to ek dar meñ hai baiThī vo ḳhasta-hāl

    saktā ho gayā hai ye hai shiddat-e-malāl

    tan meñ lahū naam nahī zard rañg hai

    goyā bashar nahī koī tasvīr-e-sañg hai

    kyā jaane kis ḳhayāl meñ gum thī vo be-gunāh

    nūr-e-nazar ye dīda-e-hasrat se nigāh

    jumbish huī laboñ ko bharī ek sard aah

    gosha-ha-e-chashm se ashkoñ ne ruḳh raah

    chehre rañg hālat-e-dil kholne lagā

    har mū-e-tan zabāñ tarah bolne lagā

    āḳhir asīr-e-yās qufl-e-dahan khulā

    afsāna-e-shadā.id-e-rañj-o-mehan khulā

    ik daftar-e-mazālim-e-charḳh-e-kuhan khulā

    thā dahān-e-zaḳhm ki bāb-e-suḳhan khulā

    dard-e-dil-e-ġharīb jo sarf-e-bayāñ huā

    ḳhūn-e-jigar rañg suḳhan se ayaañ huā

    ro kar kahā ḳhamosh khaḌe kyuuñ ho merī jaañ

    maiñ jāntī huuñ jis liye aa.e ho tum yahāñ

    sab ḳhushī yahī hai to sahrā ko ho ravāñ

    lekin maiñ apne muñh se na hargiz kahūñgī haañ

    kis tarah ban meñ ā.ankhoñ ke taare ko bhej duuñ

    jogī banā ke rāj-dulāre ko bhej duuñ

    duniyā ho gayā hai ye kaisā lahū sapīd

    andhā kiye hue hai zar-o-māl umiid

    anjām kyā ho koī nahī jāntā ye bhed

    soche bashar to jism ho larzāñ misāl-e-bīd

    likkhī hai kyā hayāt-e-abad in ke vāste

    phailā rahe haiñ jaal ye kis din ke vāste

    letī kisī faqīr ke ghar meñ agar janam

    hote na merī jaan ko sāmān ye baham

    Dastā na saañp ban ke mujhe shaukat-o-hasham

    tum mere laal the mujhe kis saltanat se kam

    maiñ ḳhush huuñ phūñk de koī is taḳht-o-tāj ko

    tum nahī to aag lagā dūñgī raaj ko

    kin kin riyāzatoñ se guzāre haiñ māh-o-sāl

    dekhī tumhārī shakl jab a mere naunihāl

    puurā huā jo byaah armān thā kamāl

    aafat ye aa.ī mujh pe hue jab safed baal

    chhaTtī huuñ un se jog liyā jin ke vāste

    kyā sab kiyā thā maiñ ne isī din ke vāste

    aise bhī nā-murād bahut ā.eñge nazar

    ghar jin ke be-charāġh rahe aah umr bhar

    rahtā mirā bhī naḳhl-e-tamannā jo be-samar

    ye jā-e-sabr thī ki duā meñ nahī asar

    lekin yahāñ to ban ke muqaddar bigaḌ gayā

    phal phuul ke bāġh-e-tamannā ujaḌ gayā

    sarzad hue the mujh se ḳhudā jaane kyā gunāh

    mañjdhār meñ jo yuuñ mirī kashtī huī tabāh

    aatī nazar nahī koī amn-o-amāñ raah

    ab yaañ se kuuch ho to adam meñ mile panāh

    taqsīr merī ḳhāliq-e-ālam bahal kare

    āsān mujh ġharīb mushkil ajal kare

    sun kar zabāñ se maañ ye fariyād-e-dard-ḳhez

    us ḳhasta-jāñ ke dil pe chalī ġham teġh-e-tez

    aalam ye thā qarīb ki āñhkeñ hoñ ashk-rez

    lekin hazār zabt se rone se gurez

    sochā yahī ki jaan se bekas guzar na jaa.e

    nāshād ham ko dekh ke maañ aur mar na jaa.e

    phir arz ye mādar-e-nāshād ke huzūr

    māyūs kyuuñ haiñ aap alam hai kyuuñ vafūr

    sadma ye shaaq ālam-e-pīrī meñ hai zarūr

    lekin na dil se kījiye sabr-o-qarār duur

    shāyad ḳhizāñ se shakl ayaañ ho bahār

    kuchh maslahat isī meñ ho parvardigār

    ye ye fareb ye sāzish ye shor-o-shar

    honā jo hai sab us ke bahāne haiñ sar-ba-sar

    asbāb-e-zāhirī meñ na in par karo nazar

    kyā jaane kyā hai parda-e-qudrat meñ jalva-gar

    ḳhaas us maslahat koī pahchāntā nahī

    manzūr kyā use hai koī jāntā nahī

    rāhat ho ki rañj ḳhushī ho ki intishār

    vājib har ek rañg meñ hai shukr-e-kird-gār

    tum nahī ho kushta-e-nairañg-e-rozgār

    mātam-kade meñ dahr ke lākhoñ haiñ sogvār

    saḳhtī sahī nahī ki uThā.ī kaḌī nahī

    duniyā meñ kyā kisī pe musībat paḌī nahī

    His Mother's Reply

    dekhe haiñ is se baḌh ke zamāne ne inqalāb

    jin se ki be-gunāhoñ umreñ huiiñ ḳharāb

    soz-e-darūñ se qalb o jigar ho ga.e kabāb

    piirī miTī kisī kisī miTā shabāb

    kuchh ban nahī paḌā jo nasībe bigaḌ ga.e

    vo bijliyāñ girīñ ki bhare ghar ujaḌ ga.e

    maañ baap muñh dekhte the jin har ghaḌī

    qaa.em thiiñ jin ke dam se umīdeñ baḌī baḌī

    dāman pe jin ke gard bhī uḌ kar nahī paḌī

    maarī na jin ko ḳhvāb meñ bhī phuul chhaḌī

    mahrūm jab vo gul hue rañg-e-hayāt se

    un ko jalā ke ḳhaak kiyā apne haat se

    kahte the log dekh ke maañ baap malāl

    in be-kasoñ jaan bachnā hai ab muhāl

    hai kibriyā shaan guzarte māh-o-sāl

    ḳhud dil se dard-e-hijr miTtā gayā ḳhayāl

    haañ kuchh dinoñ to nauha-o-mātam huā kiyā

    āḳhir ko ro ke baiTh rahe aur kyā kiyā

    paḌtā hai jis ġharīb pe rañj-o-mehan baar

    kartā hai us ko sabr atā aap kirdgār

    māyūs ho ke hote haiñ insāñ gunāhgār

    ye jānte nahī vo hai dānā-e-rozgār

    insān us raah meñ sābit-qadam rahe

    gardan vahī hai amr-e-razā meñ jo ḳham rahe

    aur aap ko to kuchh bhī nahī rañj maqām vatan meñ ham ā.eñge shād-kām

    hote haiñ baat karne meñ chaudah baras tamām

    qaa.em umiid se hai duniyā hai jis naam

    The speech did not move his mother

    She smiled as she looked at her son

    Her heart overflowed

    The smile on her face was cold

    Like moonlight illuminating a burning ghat

    Her despair concealed till this moment, passed into her face

    The sadness in her heart was reflected in her gaze

    Then she spoke, 'I heard your story;

    May you live a million years!

    You give your mother wisdom

    But the test I have to endure

    Child, you don't know what it entails

    Your heart knows not this pain

    You know nothing of the tenderness of motherhood

    I'm old; my time is near

    Who knows if I will be here tomorrow

    But my heart is confident, the day will come

    When you will reflect

    Why your poor mother cried so

    The time will come when you have children

    You will then remember the pleas of your unfortunate mother

    You don't value my tears now

    Mine is not a suffering that will

    Be placated with talking

    To make you sad

    Is not going to lighten my heart

    Go in peace, depart, I won't stop you

    Shameless, I will continue to live in this world

    I have raised you, I will bear the sorrow of caring'

    These words of tender love pierced Ram's heart like barbs

    They tore his heart and blood ebbed from his body

    He who held his mother's words as dear as faith and honour

    Humbly heard his mother's reproach

    Reflection and thought failed him; there were no words to reply

    Choking on tears, he fell at his mother's feet

    Speech couldn't restrain the flood of tears

    Haltingly the tortured soul began to talk

    'If I have caused you anguish

    I would not want to live but choose to die,

    A son who is disloyal to his ailing mother

    Life is torture for such an offspring

    The thought of wilfullness is far from this devotee's mind

    He cannot even dare to feign such conceit

    If I were to live for a hundred years

    I could not repay what you have given me

    I would never have left my place at your feet

    I am compelled by the promise made to my father

    Life's pleasures lure with dreams of paradise

    But I have no fondness for abundance of luxuries

    Dharma is the lamp that lights the world

    If I stray from its path I will blacken the family's name

    I fear lest the family's honour be tainted

    I respect the lap in which I was nurtured

    If I don't accept exile without rancour

    What face will I show to the world?

    I will invite scorn from others

    What will I do when people point fingers and say

    The son was disrespectful, he disobeyed his father

    Shamelessness is writ on his forehead.'

    The innocent one's reply had an effect like magic

    The mother's heart was touched to the core

    The cloud of sorrow shed the blackness of anger

    Her heart overflowed, she could hold back no more

    Moving her feet she lifted his head to her lap

    She clasped her heart's dearest close to her chest

    Both were overcome with emotion, the climate changed

    Tears flowed like the Ganga and Yamuna

    Only the fortunate are blessed with tears of devotion

    These tears are as precious as life itself

    They are treasured only in the heart's kingdom

    There was no such pearl in King Dasratha's crown.

    aur yuuñ kahīñ bhī rañj-o-balā se mafar nahī

    kyā hogā do ghaḌī meñ kisī ko ḳhabar nahī

    akasr riyāz karte haiñ phūloñ pe bāġhbāñ

    hai din dhuup raat shabnam unheñ girāñ

    lekin jo rañg baaġh badaltā hai nā-gahāñ

    vo gul hazār pardoñ meñ jaate haiñ rā.egāñ

    rakhte haiñ jo aziiz unheñ apnī jaañ tarah

    milte haiñ dast-e-yās vo barg-e-ḳhizāñ tarah

    lekin jo phuul khilte haiñ sahrā meñ be-shumār

    mauqūf kuchh riyāz pe un nahī bahār

    dekho ye qudarat-e-chaman-ārā-e-rozgār

    vo abr-o-bād o barf meñ rahte haiñ barqarār

    hotā hai un pe fazl jo rabb-e-karīm

    mauj-e-sumūm bantī hai jhoñkā nasīm

    apnī nigāh hai karam-e-kārsāz par

    sahrā chaman banegā vo hai mehrbāñ agar

    jañgal ho pahāḌ safar ho ki ho hazar

    rahtā nahī vo haal se bande ke be-ḳhabar

    us karam sharīk agar hai to ġham nahī

    dāmān-e-dasht dāman-e-mādar se kam nahī

    ruKHsat hua wo bap se le kar KHuda ka nam

    rah-e-wafa ki manzil-e-awwal hui tamam

    manzur tha jo man ki ziyarat ka intizam

    daman se ashk ponchh ke dil se kiya kalam

    izhaar-e-be-kasi se sitam hoga aur bhi

    dekha hamein udas to gham hoga aur bhi

    dil ko sambhaalta hua aaKHir wo naunihaal

    KHamosh man ke pas gaya surat-e-KHayal

    dekha to ek dar mein hai baiThi wo KHasta-haal

    sakta sa ho gaya hai ye hai shiddat-e-malal

    tan mein lahu ka nam nahi zard rang hai

    goya bashar nahi koi taswir-e-sang hai

    kya jaane kis KHayal mein gum thi wo be-gunah

    nur-e-nazar ye dida-e-hasrat se ki nigah

    jumbish hui labon ko bhari ek sard aah

    li gosha-ha-e-chashm se ashkon ne ruKH ki rah

    chehre ka rang haalat-e-dil kholne laga

    har mu-e-tan zaban ki tarah bolne laga

    aaKHir asir-e-yas ka qufl-e-dahan khula

    afsana-e-shadaid-e-ranj-o-mehan khula

    ek daftar-e-mazalim-e-charKH-e-kuhan khula

    wa tha dahan-e-zaKHm ki bab-e-suKHan khula

    dard-e-dil-e-gharib jo sarf-e-bayan hua

    KHun-e-jigar ka rang suKHan se ayan hua

    ro kar kaha KHamosh khaDe kyun ho meri jaan

    main jaanti hun jis liye aae ho tum yahan

    sab ki KHushi yahi hai to sahra ko ho rawan

    lekin main apne munh se na hargiz kahungi han

    kis tarah ban mein aaankhon ke tare ko bhej dun

    jogi bana ke raj-dulare ko bhej dun

    duniya ka ho gaya hai ye kaisa lahu sapid

    andha kiye hue hai zar-o-mal ki umid

    anjam kya ho koi nahi jaanta ye bhed

    soche bashar to jism ho larzan misal-e-bid

    likkhi hai kya hayat-e-abad in ke waste

    phaila rahe hain jal ye kis din ke waste

    leti kisi faqir ke ghar mein agar janam

    hote na meri jaan ko saman ye baham

    Dasta na sanp ban ke mujhe shaukat-o-hasham

    tum mere lal the mujhe kis saltanat se kam

    main KHush hun phunk de koi is taKHt-o-taj ko

    tum hi nahi to aag laga dungi raj ko

    kin kin riyazaton se guzare hain mah-o-sal

    dekhi tumhaari shakl jab a mere naunihaal

    pura hua jo byah ka arman tha kamal

    aafat ye aai mujh pe hue jab safed baal

    chhaTti hun un se jog liya jin ke waste

    kya sab kiya tha main ne isi din ke waste

    aise bhi na-murad bahut aaenge nazar

    ghar jin ke be-charagh rahe aah umr bhar

    rahta mera bhi naKHl-e-tamanna jo be-samar

    ye ja-e-sabr thi ki dua mein nahi asar

    lekin yahan to ban ke muqaddar bigaD gaya

    phal phul la ke bagh-e-tamanna ujaD gaya

    sarzad hue the mujh se KHuda jaane kya gunah

    manjdhaar mein jo yun meri kashti hui tabah

    aati nazar nahi koi amn-o-aman ki rah

    ab yan se kuch ho to adam mein mile panah

    taqsir meri KHaliq-e-alam bahal kare

    aasan mujh gharib ki mushkil ajal kare

    sun kar zaban se man ki ye fariyaad-e-dard-KHez

    us KHasta-jaan ke dil pe chali gham ki tegh-e-tez

    aalam ye tha qarib ki aanhken hon ashk-rez

    lekin hazar zabt se rone se ki gurez

    socha yahi ki jaan se bekas guzar na jae

    nashad hum ko dekh ke man aur mar na jae

    phir arz ki ye madar-e-nashad ke huzur

    mayus kyun hain aap alam ka hai kyun wafur

    sadma ye shaq aalam-e-piri mein hai zarur

    lekin na dil se kijiye sabr-o-qarar dur

    shayad KHizan se shakl ayan ho bahaar ki

    kuchh maslahat isi mein ho parwardigar ki

    ye jal ye fareb ye sazish ye shor-o-shar

    hona jo hai sab us ke bahane hain sar-ba-sar

    asbab-e-zahiri mein na in par karo nazar

    kya jaane kya hai parda-e-qudrat mein jalwa-gar

    KHas us ki maslahat koi pahchanta nahi

    manzur kya use hai koi jaanta nahi

    rahat ho ya ki ranj KHushi ho ki intishaar

    wajib har ek rang mein hai shukr-e-kird-gar

    tum hi nahi ho kushta-e-nairang-e-rozgar

    matam-kade mein dahr ke lakhon hain sogwar

    saKHti sahi nahi ki uThai kaDi nahi

    duniya mein kya kisi pe musibat paDi nahi

    His Mother's Reply

    dekhe hain is se baDh ke zamane ne inqalab

    jin se ki be-gunahon ki umren huin KHarab

    soz-e-darun se qalb o jigar ho gae kabab

    piri miTi kisi ki kisi ka miTa shabab

    kuchh ban nahi paDa jo nasibe bigaD gae

    wo bijliyan girin ki bhare ghar ujaD gae

    man bap munh hi dekhte the jin ka har ghaDi

    qaem thin jin ke dam se umiden baDi baDi

    daman pe jin ke gard bhi uD kar nahi paDi

    mari na jin ko KHwab mein bhi phul ki chhaDi

    mahrum jab wo gul hue rang-e-hayat se

    un ko jala ke KHak kiya apne hat se

    kahte the log dekh ke man bap ka malal

    in be-kason ki jaan ka bachna hai ab muhaal

    hai kibriya ki shan guzarte hi mah-o-sal

    KHud dil se dard-e-hijr ka miTta gaya KHayal

    han kuchh dinon to nauha-o-matam hua kiya

    aaKHir ko ro ke baiTh rahe aur kya kiya

    paDta hai jis gharib pe ranj-o-mehan ka bar

    karta hai us ko sabr ata aap kirdgar

    mayus ho ke hote hain insan gunahgar

    ye jaante nahi wo hai dana-e-rozgar

    insan us ki rah mein sabit-qadam rahe

    gardan wahi hai amr-e-raza mein jo KHam rahe

    aur aap ko to kuchh bhi nahi ranj ka maqam

    baad-e-safar watan mein hum aaenge shad-kaam

    hote hain baat karne mein chaudah baras tamam

    qaem umid hi se hai duniya hai jis ka nam

    The speech did not move his mother

    She smiled as she looked at her son

    Her heart overflowed

    The smile on her face was cold

    Like moonlight illuminating a burning ghat

    Her despair concealed till this moment, passed into her face

    The sadness in her heart was reflected in her gaze

    Then she spoke, 'I heard your story;

    May you live a million years!

    You give your mother wisdom

    But the test I have to endure

    Child, you don't know what it entails

    Your heart knows not this pain

    You know nothing of the tenderness of motherhood

    I'm old; my time is near

    Who knows if I will be here tomorrow

    But my heart is confident, the day will come

    When you will reflect

    Why your poor mother cried so

    The time will come when you have children

    You will then remember the pleas of your unfortunate mother

    You don't value my tears now

    Mine is not a suffering that will

    Be placated with talking

    To make you sad

    Is not going to lighten my heart

    Go in peace, depart, I won't stop you

    Shameless, I will continue to live in this world

    I have raised you, I will bear the sorrow of caring'

    These words of tender love pierced Ram's heart like barbs

    They tore his heart and blood ebbed from his body

    He who held his mother's words as dear as faith and honour

    Humbly heard his mother's reproach

    Reflection and thought failed him; there were no words to reply

    Choking on tears, he fell at his mother's feet

    Speech couldn't restrain the flood of tears

    Haltingly the tortured soul began to talk

    'If I have caused you anguish

    I would not want to live but choose to die,

    A son who is disloyal to his ailing mother

    Life is torture for such an offspring

    The thought of wilfullness is far from this devotee's mind

    He cannot even dare to feign such conceit

    If I were to live for a hundred years

    I could not repay what you have given me

    I would never have left my place at your feet

    I am compelled by the promise made to my father

    Life's pleasures lure with dreams of paradise

    But I have no fondness for abundance of luxuries

    Dharma is the lamp that lights the world

    If I stray from its path I will blacken the family's name

    I fear lest the family's honour be tainted

    I respect the lap in which I was nurtured

    If I don't accept exile without rancour

    What face will I show to the world?

    I will invite scorn from others

    What will I do when people point fingers and say

    The son was disrespectful, he disobeyed his father

    Shamelessness is writ on his forehead.'

    The innocent one's reply had an effect like magic

    The mother's heart was touched to the core

    The cloud of sorrow shed the blackness of anger

    Her heart overflowed, she could hold back no more

    Moving her feet she lifted his head to her lap

    She clasped her heart's dearest close to her chest

    Both were overcome with emotion, the climate changed

    Tears flowed like the Ganga and Yamuna

    Only the fortunate are blessed with tears of devotion

    These tears are as precious as life itself

    They are treasured only in the heart's kingdom

    There was no such pearl in King Dasratha's crown.

    aur yun kahin bhi ranj-o-bala se mafar nahi

    kya hoga do ghaDi mein kisi ko KHabar nahi

    akasr riyaz karte hain phulon pe baghban

    hai din ki dhup raat ki shabnam unhen giran

    lekin jo rang bagh badalta hai na-gahan

    wo gul hazar pardon mein jate hain raegan

    rakhte hain jo aziz unhen apni jaan ki tarah

    milte hain dast-e-yas wo barg-e-KHizan ki tarah

    lekin jo phul khilte hain sahra mein be-shumar

    mauquf kuchh riyaz pe un ki nahi bahaar

    dekho ye qudarat-e-chaman-ara-e-rozgar

    wo abr-o-baad o barf mein rahte hain barqarar

    hota hai un pe fazl jo rabb-e-karim ka

    mauj-e-sumum banti hai jhonka nasim ka

    apni nigah hai karam-e-karsaz par

    sahra chaman banega wo hai mehrban agar

    jangal ho ya pahaD safar ho ki ho hazar

    rahta nahi wo haal se bande ke be-KHabar

    us ka karam sharik agar hai to gham nahi

    daman-e-dasht daman-e-madar se kam nahi

    Source :
    • Book : intekhab-e-chakbast (Pg. 36)

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