صبر ṣabir or ṣibr
A صبر ṣabir or ṣibr, s.m. The aloe.
صبر ṣabr, vulg. ṣabar inf. n. of صبر 'to be patient,' c.
A صبر ṣabr, vulg. ṣabar (inf. n. of صبر 'to be patient,' &c.), s.m.f. Patience, self-restraint, endurance, patient suffering, resignation:—ṣabr paṛnā (-par), The patient suffering (of one oppressed) to be visited (on the oppressor, e.g. merā ṣabr tujh-par paṛegā, 'my patient suffering will be visited on thee'); to fall into calamity, to fall under a curse:—ṣabr sameṭnā (-kā), To store up calamity or evil (for oneself through wrong-doing), to reap the reward of evil, to provoke the visitation of Heaven;—to accuse falsely, to slander:—ṣabr karnā, v.n. To exercise self-restraint, to practise patience, to be patient, to wait; to endure, to bear up patiently (under or on, -meṅ or -par, or against, -se); to abstain or refrain (from, -se); to content oneself (with):—ṣabr lenā = ṣabr sameṭnā, q.v.:—ṣabr-meṅ giriftār honā, v.n. To be involved in calamity, &c. (see ṣabr paṛnā, and ṣabr sameṭnā):—ṣabr honā (-ko), To have or possess patience; to be contented or satisfied:—be-ṣabr or be-ṣabrā, adj. Impatient; restless, fidgety; hard to satisfy, avaricious, greedy:—be-ṣabrā-pan, s.m. or be-ṣabrī, s.f. Impatience; restlessness; greediness, avariciousness, &c.