دور दूर dūr P. dūr, fr. Zend dūra = S. dūra
S P دور दूर dūr (P. dūr, fr. Zend dūra = S. dūra), adj. Distant, remote, far (from, -se), at a distance, a long way off;—s.f. Distance, remoteness (=dūrī);—adv. Far, afar, far away, to a distance, beyond (with abl.);—intj.=dūr ho, q.v.:—dūr-ā-dūr, adv. Very distant or far, to a great distance:—dūr-andesh, adj. Far-sighted, far-seeing, penetrating, keen, discerning; provident, foreseeing, anticipative, circumspect, prudent, sagacious, wise:—dūr-andeshī, s.f. Far-sightedness, foresight, forecast; anticipation; providence; circumspection, carefulness, prudence, sagacity, wisdom:—dūr-andeshī karnā, To exercise prudence, &c.; to provide (against, -meṅ):—dūr-bād, intj. Far be it! God forbid!—dūr bāsh, intj.=dūr-ho, q.v.:—dūr bhāgnā (-se), To run far away (from); to abstain (from); to avoid, shun, abhor, abominate:—dūr-bīn, adj. Far-seeing, far-sighted, &c. (=dūr-andesh, q.v.); perspicuous; ingenious; intelligent; judicious; sound, solid (as judgment);—having the quality of showing a distant object;—s.m. A spy-glass, a telescope:—dūr-bīnī, s.f. Far-sightedness; foresight, &c. (=dūr-andeshī, q.v.):—dūr-pār (Zend dūraēpāra; S. dūra-pāra), intj. 'May it be far away' (from me, or from you, &c.), far be it! God forbid! (a phrase used commonly by women):—dūr-dabak batānā, v.t.=dūr durānā, q.v.:—dūr-darāz, adj. Far, very distant; long:—dūr durānā, v.t. To send away to a distance, to drive away:—dūr-dr̤iś, adj. & s.m.=dūr-darśī, q.v.:—dūr-dr̤ishṭi, s.f.=dūr-darśan, q.v.:—dūr-darśak, adj. Far-sighted, &c. (=dūr-darśī, q.v.):—dūr-darśak-yantra, s.m. A telescope (=dūr-bīn):—dūr-darśan, s.m. Far-sightedness; long-sightedness; foresight; discernment, prudence (=dūr-bīnī and dūr-andeshī):—dūr-darśan-yantra, s.m.=dūr-darśak-yantra, q.v.:—dūr-darśī, vulg. dūr-darsī, adj. & s.m. Far-seeing, long-sighted; foreseeing, provident, prudent, discerning, &c. (=dūr-andesh);—a vulture;—a prophet, seer, sage; a learned man, a teacher:—dūr-dast, adj. Distant, out of reach, difficult to reach, remote, inaccessible:—dūr-dastī, s.f. The being out of reach, or difficult to reach, remoteness, inaccessibleness:—dūr rahnā (-se), To remain far away or apart (from); to abstain (from), &c. (=dūr bhāgnā):—dūra-stha, adj. Situated at a distance, standing afar off, far off, remote:—dūr-kā, adj. (f. -ī), Distant, far removed (as a relation); deep, profound (as thought); far-fetched, out-of-the-way; long and sharp, or thorough good (as a scolding, &c.):—dūr karnā, v.t. To put far away, keep at a distance; to remove (from, -se); to avert; to dispel; to put away or aside; to reject; to get rid of, to part with; to dismiss; to eject, dispossess; to do away with, abolish; to put out of sight, conceal; to efface:—dūr-gāmī, adj. & s.m. Going far, far-reaching;—one who goes to a distance:—dūr-vāsī, vulg. dūr-bāsī, adj. & s.m. Residing in a distant land, or in a foreign country, outlandish;—one who resides at a great distance, &c.; an outlandish person:—dūr-vartī, adj. & s.m. Being, or situated, at a distance, far-removed, remote; residing at a distance;—one who is at a distance:—dūr ho, intj. Begone! be off! away! avaunt!—dūr honā, v.n. To be distant, be far off, to be or stand remote, to be far beyond (with abl.); to be removed, be averted, be dispelled; to be effaced; to be off, get out of the way, make (oneself) scarce, disappear, decamp.
در दुर dur
H در दुर dur [S. दूरं], intj. Away! begone! avaunt!—also, contract. of dūr, 'far,' q.v. (used in comp., e.g. dur-bāsī; dur-darśan-yantra):—dur-dur-phiṭ-phiṭ honā, v.n. To be an object of scorn:—dur-dur karnā, v.t. To drive away, to turn out.